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A letter of donation


Agnes, daughter of Payn fitzJohn



Translated letter:

Let those in the present and future know that I, Agnes daughter of Payn fitzJohn gave and granted to God and the church of St. Peter of Dinton three acres of land from my domain which lie at Ackenham next to the land that was Baldwin Frances’s and the whole tithe of all my hay in Dinton, in pure and free and perpetual alms, for the salvation of my soul and of all my ancestors. And so that my donation cannot be revoked as invalid, I have strengthened it with the protection of the present writing and of my seal. With these witnesses Thomas chaplain, Waleran chaplain, master Christian, Richard of Bradeker, Ralph of Bradeker, William of Upton, and his brother Geoffrey, John a monk, Reginald reeve, Walter of Worcester, Geoffrey of Hikeling, and many others.


Original letter:

Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Agnes filia Pagani filii Johannis dedi et concessi deo et ecclesie sancti Petri de Donynton' tres <acras> terre de dominio meo qua jacent super Ackenham juxta terram que fuit Baldwini Frances et totam decimam totius feni mei de Donynton', in puram et liberam (fo. 39v) et perpetuam elemosinam, pro salute anime mee et omnium antecessorum meorum. Et ut hec mea donatio in iritum non possit revocari, presentis scripti patrocinio et sigilli mei munimine corroboravi. Hiis testibus Thoma capellano, Walerano capellano, magistro Christiano, Ricardo de Bradeker, Radulpho de Bradeker, Willelmo de Upton', et Galfrido fratre eius, Johanne monacho, Reginaldo pretore, Waltero de  Wirecestr', Galfrido de Hikeling, et multis aliis.



Historical context:

Agnes gives three acres at Ackenham to St. Peter’s church in Dinton, and the tithe of her hay in Dinton.

Printed source:

I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt, (Oxford:  Oxford University, 2014), 77-78, #135.

