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An investiture of land to burghers


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine



Translated letter:

Be it known to all that on a Monday in the month of April in Piadena within the exterior wall of the city in the presence of good men, whose names are read below, by the piece of wood she held in her hands, the lady countess Matilda invested the men of Piadena, that is burghers, namely Rethuf, Martin, Zeno, Bernard, Martin, Burkis, Gerard, Ubandus, John, Rodulf, Vintho, Kafarus, Peter of Perinis, John, Anselm, John, Peter, Dominic, Rusticus, Adam, John, Hubert, Sephinus, John, Peter, Aribert, Umbert, Bertarus, Gausus, Ambrosinus, Benedict, Adam, Fervedei, Walter, Peter, Andrea, Ker, John, Racanno, Martin, Guinizo, Bonusetbellus, John, Vuala, Albert with two jugers of land in Gaio in order that these men either by exchange of that land or by eviction ought to have one juger of land next to the river Oglio to make a port.  And on such a condition this lady Matilda invested the said men, wherever they might reach from this hour forward by land or water, ought to have no concern for her power nor give any toll; nor should they give further rent except one penny for said land or houses they have there inside the moat of the town.  And this investiture is to be valid for said men and their heirs in perpetuity.
In the onethousand ninetyfifth year from the incarnation of the lord, in the month of april, third indiction.
Sign of the hands + of Albert, count, and Sasso of Bibianello and Bellizon of Guarstalla and Wazo and Erminzo and Nezo of Cramona and Albert son of Aruruind and Petron of Guaraula and Ubald and Andrea and Alchis of Piadena, requested witnesses.
+ I duke Welf made this cross and confirmed this letter.
+ Matilda, by the grace of God, is what she is.
I, Obert, judge, was present as requested, wrote and subscribed.

Original letter:

(S. N.) Notum sit omnibus, quod una die Lune de mense april(i) in loco Platena infra spaldum castri presentia bonorum hominum, quorum nomina subter leguntur, per lignum, quod in suis tenebat manibus, domina comitissa Matilda investivit homines de Platena, silicet burgenses, nominative Rethufus, Martinus, Zenus, Bernardus, Martinus, Burkisus, Kirardus, Vbandus, Iohannes, Rothulfus, Vintho, Kafaruus, Petrus de Perinis, Iohannes, Anselmus, Iohannes, Petrus, Dominicus, Rusticus, Adam, Iohannes, Vbertus, Sephinus, Iohannes, Petrus, Aribertus, Vmbertus, Bertarus, Gausus, Ambrosinus, Benedictus, Adam, Feruedei, Vvalterius, Petrus, Andrea, Ker,  Iohannes, Racanno, Martinus, Vuinizo, Bonusetbellus, Iohannes, Vuala, Albertus de duabus iugeribus de terra intus Gaio, eo vero ordine, quod isti homines vel per cambium istius terre vel per evitionem debent habere unum iugerum de terra iuxta flumen Olei ad portum faciendum. Et tali ordine inve­stivit ista domina Matilda suprascriptos homines, ubicunque perrexerint ab hac hora inantea per terram vel per aquam sue potestatis nullam curaturam, nullum tolleneum dare debent; neque de suprascripta terra neque de domibus illorum habentibus infra fossatum burgi non debent dare amplius fictum nisi denarium unum. Et hec investitura semper valeat in suprascriptos homines suisque heredibus in perpetuum.
(S. N.) Anno ab incarnatione domini millesimo nonagesimo quinto, mense april(i), indictione tertia.
Signum manuum #Alberti comitis et Saso da Bianel et Bellizoni da Uurardastalla et Uuazoni et Erminzoni et Nezoni de Cramona et Alberti filius Aruruindi et Petroni da Guaraula et Ubaldino seu Andrea et Alchis de Platena testes rogati.
+ Ego Vuelfus dux hanc crucem feci et hunc brevem confirmavi.
+ Matilda dei gratia, si quid est.
Ego Obertus iudex rogatus interfui, scripsi et subscripsi.


Historical context:

The countess invests the burghers of Piadena with two jugers (a little more than half an acre) of land free of rent or tolls.  Piadena is in the province of Cremona; the Oglio is a tributary of the Po.


Printed source:

Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez, MGH (Hannover:  Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), 143-45, #45.


1095, April