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Confirmation of a donation


Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord, amen.  Let it be known to [persons] present and future that I, Grzymislawa, by the grace of God duchess of Kraków, [am confirming] the same village which my husband Leszek, late duke of Poland, granted to Nicholas, notary of Henry [I the Bearded], duke of Silesia.  This same Nicholas gave this village, called Milejewice, to be possessed by hereditary right (hereditario iure possidendum) to his monastery (suo claustro) which is called Henryków, for the remedy of his soul and of the souls of his predecessors.  In order that this gift not be subject to attempted violation by the snares of the wicked, I strengthened this present page with the protection of my seal, together with the seal[s] of lord Ivo bishop of Kraków and of Christian bishop of Prussia.  These things were done in the year 1228 after the Incarnation of the Lord, on the first indiction of the month of March, in the assembly celebrated at Skaryszew, with the following witnesses present:  lord Theodoric abbot of Jedrzejów, John provost of Miechów, Gregory dean of Saint Florian’s, Pakoslaw the palatine, Mark the palatine, Mszczuj castellan of Wislica. 

Original letter:

In nomine Domini amen. Notum sit tam presentibus quam futuris, quod ego. G[rimislava] Dei gratia ducissa Cracouie villam illam quam maritus meus Leztico quondam dux Polonie, Nycolao notario Heinrici ducis Slesie contulit. Idem uero Nycolaus eandem uillam que uocatur Mileeuicio suo claustro quod uocatur Heinri chowo ob remedium anime sue et antecessorum suorum iure hereditario donauit possidendam. Et ne talis donacio permalignorum insidias attemptetur uiolari presentem paginam hanc osigilli meio cum sigillo domini Iuonis Cracouiensis episcopi et Christiani Pruscie episcopi munimine roboraui. Acta sunt hec anno ab in carnacione domini Mo CCC XXVIII°, indictione prima mense Marcii, in colloquio in Scarisouia celebrato, hiis testibus subscriptis presentibus domino Theodorico abbate de Andreow", Johanne preposito de Mechovia, Gregorio decano sancti Floriani, Pacozlao palatino, Marco palatino, Mistuio Wlsliciensi castellano).

Historical context:

The duchess presided over the assembly at which the donation was confirmed.  On such assemblies, see Piotr Górecki, “Communities of Legal Memory in Medieval Poland, c. 1200-1240,” Journal of Medieval History 24 (1998), 127-54.  

Printed source:

The translation was done by Piotr Górecki, published in A Local Society in Transition, The Kenryków Book and related documents, (Toronto:  Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2007), Studies and Texts 155, 206-07.  Górecki also provided the Latin text, which comes from Dariusz Karczewski, "Nieznany dokument księżnej krakowskiej Grzymisławy z roku 1228," in Andrzej Radzimiński et al. (eds), Venerabiles, nobiles et honesti (Toruń, 1997), 89–99, at 98–99.

