A letter of donation
Boleslaw VGremislava of Lutsk
PublicTranslated letter:
As holy mother church of Czerwinsk is known to be disturbed not only by hostile ferocity but truly also by the wickedness of the false Christian, therefore I, Gremislava, widow of duke Leszek with my only son Boleslaw, in sympathy with the afflection of the aforenamed church, for the remedy of the soul of my husband L[eszek] renew and confirm that the market/fair in Kochów with its taverns and transit tolls, Sidwo (?Swidwin) with all its posterity and land, with two other plots and all their appendages, be held in perpetuity, as well as freedom in them, as Henry, present duke of Sandomierz with his brother duke Boleslaw, conferred on the aforenamed church at the consecration of the Lanciciens church, which the aforenamed church obtained with serenity during the life of duke Cazimir and said duke Leszek. Lest it be permitted to any malicious person to breach this confirmation by bold daring, I have handed the present instrument, firmly fortified by the protection of my seal and [those] of my nobles to lord Wenceslas, Abbot of said church, those enrolled by name, who were then present. These are their names: Pacoslaw, palatine, Mistiuj castellan of Wizlicia, Jacob castellan of Sandomierz, Stresko , butler, Adalbert , castellan of Lublin, Florian castellan of Sieciechowice, Dirsicraw castellan of Sandecen, [… castellan] of Woynych (?Voynich), Vircisir count of Sarnov (?Zarnów), Przecalaw, count of Chechov, Dobes count of Zawichost, Mirtozlaw count of Malogost, Ian son of Abraham, Jacob son of Neose, Iascocel (?Jaszczolt) provost of Sandomierz, Gosslau cantor, John archdeacon, Sulislaw canon of that church, Suyco cantor of Gnezdnen (?Gniezno), Blasiuc archdeacon of Luyblin, Wyslaws deacon of Kraków, Puczslaw, custodian of that church, Hermann custodian of the church of St. Michael of Kraków, Matthew subchancellor. These were enacted by lady Gremislava meeting with her brother-in-law duke Conrad in transit to Pylcza from Wierzbica, in the one thousand 229th year from the lord’s incarnation.
Original letter:
Quum sacrosancta mater ecclesia de Czyrwensko non solum hostili feritate, uerum eciam falsi christiani prauitate cottidie cernitur perturbari, Igitur ego Grimisa relicta ducis Lesconis cum unico filio meo Boleszlawo compaciens affliccioni prenominate ecclesie, pro remedio anime uiri mei L. innouo et confirmo tenendum perhenniter forum in Cochowo cum thabernis et transitu, Sidwonem cum omni posteritate et sorte sua, duabusque alijs sortibus cum omnibus appendencijs earumdem, nec non libertatem in eisdem, sicut Henricus Sandomiriensis dux presente fratre suo duce Boleslao, prenominate ecclesie contulit in consecracione Lanciciensis ecclesie, quod uiuente duce Cazimiro nec non duce L. iam dicto, cum tranquillitate prenominata obtinuit ecclesia. Ne uero cuiquam malignorum liceat hanc confirmacionem ausu temerario infringere, presens instrumentum sigilli mei munimine meorumque nobilium firmiter corroboratum tradidi domino Wenczeslawo Abbati dicte ecclesie, nominatim eis conscriptis, qui tunc interfuerunt. Quorum nomina sunt hec: Pacoslawus palatinus, Mistiuj castellanus Wizlicie, Iacobus castellanus Sandomiriensis, Stresko pincerna, Adalbertus castellanus Lublinensis, fflorianus castellanus Secechowiensis, Dirsicraus castellanus Sandecensis, (......castellanus) de Woynych, Vircisirus comes de Sarnov, Przeczslaus comes de Chechov, dobes comes de Zawychosth, Mirozlaus comes de Malogost, Ian filius Abrahe, Iacobus filius Neose, Iascocel prepositus Sandomiriensis, Gosslaus cantor, Iohannes archidiaconus, Sulislaws canonicus ecclesie eiusdem, Sulco cantor Gnezdnensis, Blasius archidiaconus de Lublyn, Wyslaws decanus Cracouiensis, Puczslaws custos eiusdem ecclesie, Hermannns custos ecclesie sancti Michaelis de Cracow, Matheus subcancellarius. Acta sunt hec domina Grimyslaua colloquium faciente cum leuiro suo duce Cunrado in transitu Pylcze de Wyrzbycza, Anno dominice incarnacionis Millesimo. cc° xxix.
Historical context:
Gremislava donates the revenues of a fair in the village of Kochów to Augustinian canons at Czerwinsk. I am grateful to Talia Zajac for the reference to this charter.
Printed source:
Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386, Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876), no.12, p.18-19.