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A letter of reconfirmation


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of the father and son and holy spirit amen.  Let all who will see the present writing know that we, Bloeslaw, by the grace of god duke of Kraków and Sandomierz, together with our mother Gremislava, confirm the donation of countess Miloslava, namely the widow of Govoricy, who with our consent conferred a certain estate by name Mogilany to count Theodore, palatine of Kraków, to be possessed by him by hereditary right, or freely conferred on any monastery for his soul, as Govoricy, son of Dyrsicraius  held it freely by hereditary right from the from the gift of our husband of good memory, Leszek duke of Kraków, Sandomierz, and Luchicia  (? Łęczyca ).   Which afterward said Theodore conferred on the monastery of Szczyrzyc  to be possessed with full right.  And so that this donation may be firmly held for posterity, we have deemed it proper to strengthen it both with our seal and with the witness of nobles present, whose names are:  Fulgo, archbishop of Gniezno, Prandota bishop of Kraków, Clement palatine of Kraków, Michael castellain of Kraków, Pacozlaw castellan of Sandomierz, Sando castellan of Wizlichiens, Witgo castellan of Sandech, Nicholas castellan of bejch, John son of Predezlaw judge of the court, Thomas treasurer of Kraków, Provost Vitus of Kraków, master Theodore chamberlan* of Kraków, Sulech, Adam son of Leonard, Peter judge of the duke’s court, Prebzezlaw, Sdizlaw but of Kraków from Grocina (Grodnicz?), and many others.  This was enacted in the 1243rd year of the lord.

Original letter:

In nomine patris et filij et spiritus sanctj amen. Nouerint uniuersi presens scriptum inspecturj, quod nos dux bolezlauus dei gracia Cracouiensis et Sudomiriensis, vna cum matre nostra Grimzlaua, confirmamus donacionem Comitisse Milozcelaue, scilicet relicte gouoricij, que de consensu nostro contulit quandam willam nomine Mogilanj comitj Theodoro cracouie palatino, hereditario iure sibj possidendam, siue alicuj claustro pro anima sua libere conferendam, sicut eam libere id est hereditario iure tenuit dictus Gouoricius, aut filius dyrsicraius, ex donacione maritj nostri bone memorie lestconis, ducis cracouie et sandomirie et luchicie. Qvam postmodum dictus Th. monasterio de cyrich contulit pleno iure possidendam. Porro vt hec donacio firmiter inposterum teneatur, dignum duximus eam roborandam tam nostro sigillo, quam presencium nobilium testimonio, Qvorum hec sunt nomina: ffulgo archiepiscopus Gneznensis, Prandota episcopus cracouiensis, Clemens palatinus cracouiensis, Michael castellanus cracouiensis, Pacozlauus castellanus sandomiriensis, Sando castellanus Wizliciensis, Witgo Castellanus de Sandech, Nicolaus castellanus de bejch, Iohannes filius predezlauj iudex curie, Thomas tezaurarius cracouie, Prepositus Vitus cracouie, Magister thedricus canlerarius (s) cracouiensis, Sulech, Adam filius leonardj, Petrus judex curie ducis, Prebjezlauus, Sdizlauus dapifer  cracouiensis de grocina, et alij multj.  Actum est autem istud Anno dominj M° cc. xLiii.

Historical context:

In this charter, Boleslaw and his mother reconfirm a donation Gremislava had confirmed in 1231.  The donation by Countess Miloslava of the manor of Mogilany to Theodore of Kraków, was subsequently given to the Cistercians at Szczyrzyc.  I am grateful to Talia Zajac for the reference to this charter.

Translation notes:

  • The text has canlerarius, which may be a misprint for camerarius.

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386,  Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876),  no.26, p.31-32.  
