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A confirmation of privileges and donations


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of our lord Jesus Christ amen.  Let everyone, present and future, know that our knights, Clement and Marek, uterine brothers, sons of Mark former Palatine of Kraków, appeared before us, Boleslaw, by the grace of god duke of Kraków and Sandomierz, and our most serene mother Gremislava, all donations which said count Czader, their father, formerly also palatine of Kraków, of pious memory made to the holy monastery of Schyricz of the Cistercian order in the diocese of Kraków, which he had founded and endowed, both in possessions and in tithes from the towns named here, that is the town called Schyricz, Pobranschin, Abramovicze, Podolan, Pogorsane, Godusa, Ciscoicze, Coruanow, B…zow, Mogilany, Glowaczow, Cissow, Stiborica; and these waters:  the black Dunajec, the white Dunajec, greater and lesser Rogosnik, Lypetnicza, Norovosowa, Slona, Stradoma, Mezweza, Cassina, which flows from Snesna, the Mschena, which flows also from the stone of the house of Schyricz, the Wlostowa, that flows into the Mschena together with the Wirbow, greater Cuna that flows from Obidowa from the wood of that house, also the small Cuna that similarly flows, and the Witovizal, and the river Ponecza, and the river Cobula Svilicova, and the river Leznicza  on each side, and the greater Cobula river, and Pkelnic, and Raba on one shore, and the waters which are both called Poronin, adding the fields and meadows named:  Dlugepole, Luzemer, Dambno, Ostrowecz, Ostrowosco, Wilczepole and moreover the salt of Rapschycza.  And the mountain called …, of which half pertains to the abovenamed castle Schyricz.  And it should be known that in all these named waters, woods, and mountains, the brothers of the named monastery Schyricz could put cities, towns/estates and whatever other utilities as seem to serve them best and most usefully.  But nonetheless Nyzelicze and the large salt shop and certain other appurtenances and things mentioned above and whatever benefits/profits from possessions and fruits they confirmed are held firm, freely and dovotedly.  Moreover the aforenamed knights Clement and Marek, persisting most affectionately in the footsteps of pious devotion of their progenitors, as true heirs and devout patrons, for the remedy of their souls and those of their progenitors in purest Charity conferring on  the named monastery of Schyricz and the brothers serving God there two towns from their own property, namely Droginia with its mill and inn (thaberna), and Brzaczowice with a portion (sorte) of Popowice to be possessed in perpetuity by hereditary right, they entreated us  with the lord abbot Thecilin of said monastery and the brothers humbly that we would approve the donations of their father and of them and the confirmation made as legitimate and prudent.  We therefore desiring to be participants in the prayers of said monastery or rather of the whole aforenamed order, receive it with benign favor and kindness which is known to be done by the true heirs and patrons.  And lest something fail in this act of theirs, that might somehow seem less strong to some, we supplement it by our authority wishing it to remain undisturbed.  In perpetual memory and firmness of strength of which we have had the present page signed with the protection of our seal.  Dated/given at Kraków in the one thousand two hundred fiftyfourth year of the lord, in the month of May, 6th Ides, with these witnesses present whose names are here contained:  Michael castellan of Kraków, Nicholas judge of Kraków, Sandon subchamberlain, Bartholomew and Sulislaw sons of Brilicon, Swantosy of wozni and other suitable and trustworthy knights.

Original letter:

IN nomine domini nostri iesu christi amen. Nouerint vniuersi presentes et futuri, Quod coram nobis Boleslao dei gracia Duce Cracouie et Sandomirie, et serenissima matre nostra Grimislaua, accedentes milites nostri Clemens et Marek, fratres vterini, filij quondam Marconis Palatini Cracouiensis, donaciones omnes, quas pie memorie Comes dictus Czader eorum patruus, quondam eciam Cracouiensis Palatinus, fecit cenobio sacro de Schyricz Cisterciensium ordinis Cracouiensis dyocesis, quod ipse fundauit et dotauit, tam in possessionibus, quam in decimis de villis hic nominatim expressis, videlicet villa que dicitur Schyricz, Pobranschin, Abramouicze, Podolan, Pogorsane, Godusa, Criscouicze, Corduanow, B.....zow, Mogylanj, Glowaczow, Cissow, Stiboricz; aquis quoque hijs: Dunacia nigra, Dunacia alba, Rogosnik maior et Rogosnik minor, Lypetnicza, Norouosowa, Slona, Stradoma, Mezweza, Cassina, que fluit de Snesna, Mschena, que fluit de lapide eciam domus Schyriciensis, Wlostowa, que fluit in Mschena vna cum Wirbowa, Cvna magna, que fluit de Obidowa de silua domus eiusdem, Item Cvna Parua similiter fluit, Item Witouizal, Item fluuius Ponecza, Item fluuius Cobula Sulicoua, Item fluuius Leznicza ex utraque parte, Item fluuius Cobula magna, Item Pkelnic, Item Raba in uno littore, Item aque, que dicuntur Poronin ambe, addentes et Campos et Prata sic nominatos: Dlugepole, Luzemer, Dambno, Ostrowecz, Ostrowosco, Wilczepole  et insuper sal de Rapschycza. Item mons .... nuncupatus, cuius medietas ad supradictum claustrum Schyricz pertinet. Et sciendum, quod in omnibus hijs nominatis aquis, siluis et montibus fratres predicti Claustri Schiricz locare poterunt Ciuitates, villas et alias vtilitates quascumque, prout eis melius et vtilius uidebitur expedire. Porro nichilominus Nyzelicze, atque thaberna de magno sale, et ceteris superius dictarum rerum attinencijs et quibuscumque possessionum emolimentis et fructibus liberaliter et deuote ratas habentes confirmauerunt. Preterea prefati milites Clemens et Marek, suorum progenitorum vestigijs pie deuocionis affectuosissime inherentes, sicut ueri heredes et deuoti patroni, pro remedio animarum suarum suorumque progenitorum in puram Elemosinam supradicto Cenobio de Schyricz et fratribus ibidem deo famulantibus ex suis proprijs facultatibus duas uillas, videlicet Drogynam cum molendino et thaberna, et brenczowicz cum vna sorte Popowicz iure hereditario in perpetuum possidendas Conferentes, nobis cum sepedicti cenobij domino Thecilino abbate et fratribus humiliter supplicarunt, ut easdem Patrui sui et eorum donaciones et confirmacionem tamquam legitime et prouide factam, approbaremus.  Nos igitur cupientes dicti Cenobij oracionum vel pocius tocius ordinis prefati participes effici, ipsam benigno fauore recipimus, et eam, que a ueris heredibus et patronis facta dinoscitur, clementer approbamus; Et ne quid eorum facto huiusmodi desit, quod minus forte posset aliquibus qualitercumque videri, auctoritate nostra supplemus volentes, ut illud semper maneat inconcussum. In cuius rei memoriam perpetuam, roboris firmitatem, presentem paginam sigilli nostri munimine duximus consignandam. Datum Cracouie Anno dominj Millesimo. ducentesimo. Quinquagesimo. quarto, Mense Mayo VI ydus, presentibus hijs testibus, quorum hic nomina continentur: Michaele Castellano Cracouiensi, Nycolao judice Cracouiensi, Sandone subcamerario, Bartholomeo et Sulislao filijs Briliconis, Swantosio wozni et alijs militibus ydoneis ac fidedignis. 

Historical context:

Boleslaw and his mother Gremislava confirm and renew privileges and donations made to the Cistercian monastery in Szczyrzyc by two knights, brothers.  I am grateful to Talia Zajac for the reference to this charter.

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386,  Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876),  no.40, p.44.  


1254, May 10