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A grant of exemption from tribute


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity Amen.  We Boleslaw by the grace of god duke of Kraków and Sandomierz, make know to all who will see this page that together with the advice of our mother lady Gremislava, in remission of our sins and souls and for the remedy and salvation of our progenitors, we have conferred such freedom on the church and brothers of Jedrzejów  (Andrzeow) whom we love with special favor as devoted and obedient to us, that from now on they will not be held to pay certain tribute called Stan in the vernacular pertaining to our revenue from their estates which they now possess, namely:  Swcowrodlno, Zezyche, Blonie, Dunayche, Crezlavicze, Besgen, Gozcha, Gerezna, Navariche, Negoslavich, Suchoviche, Scurocovich, Albrech, Prelanch, Slavosovo, Branichia, Preneslve, Suchodol, Pothoc, Choreva, Chachovo, Lascovo, Brezerenda, Racovo, Chelossino, Thergoviche, Lisacovo, Lantchino.  Granting also this grace to said church and said brothers of Andreow (sic) from our innate generosity that they will not pay us the cows and sheep which they were accustomed to collect for our table/revenue from said estates.  If indeed officers, namely carmnici should enter the above named estates wishing there to take cows and sheep against this granting of our generosity, the men of those estates have the free authority to deny what is sought without any offense to us.  So that this our donation may remain always unimpaired, we have had this letter written and strengthened by the protection of our seal and that of lord Prandot, by the grace of god bishop of Kraków.  This was enacted in the year of the lord 1256, fourteenth indiction.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et indiuidue trinitatis Amen. Nos Boleslaus dei gracia dux Cracouie et Sandomirie, Notum facimus uniuersis hanc paginam inspecturis, quod unacum consilio matris nostre domine Grzymyslaue, in remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, animarumque progenitorum nostrorum remedio ac salute, ecclesie et fratribus de Andrzeow, quos speciali fauore tanquam nobis deuotos et obsequiosos diligimus, talem contulimus libertatem, ut de uillis eorum, quas nunc posident, uidelicet: Scowrodlno, Zezyche, Blonie, Dunayche, Crezlauicze, Besgen, Gozcha, Gerezna, Nauariche, Negoslauich, Suchouiche, Scurocouich, Albrech, Prelanch, Slauosouo, Branichia, Preneslaue, Suchodol, Pothoc, Choreua, Chachouo, Lascouo, Brezerenda, Racouo, Chelossino, Thergouiche, Lisacouo, Lantchino, quosdam prouentus, qui uulgo Stan uocantur, ad mensam nostram pertinentes, in posterum minime soluere tenebuntur. Hanc quoque graciam prefate ecclesie et predictis fratribus de Andreow ex innata nobis liberalitate nihilominus concedentes, quod uaccas et oues, que de predictis uillis pro mensa nostra colligi solebant, nobis in posterum non persoluant; Si uero ministeriales scilicet carmnici uillas superius nominatas intrauerint, ibidem uaccas et oues contra hanc nostre liberalitatis concessionem accipere uolentes, homines earumdem uillarum sine grande nostre offensione denegandi quod petitur, liberam habeant facultatem. Ut autem hec nostra donacio semper maneat illibata, hanc literam conscribi et sigilli nostri et domini Prandote dei gracia Cracouiensis episcopi, fecimus munimine roborari. Acta sunt hec anno domini M. cc. L. vi, Indiccione Quartadecima.

Historical context:

Boleslaw and his mother exempt twenty-eight estates belonging to the Cistercian monastery at Jedrzejów (about 80 km northeast of Kraków) from the tribute called “stan,” defined as the obligation to house the duke and his retinue by Talia Zajac, to whom I am endebted for the reference to this charter.  

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386,  Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876),  no.43, p.50-51.  
