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A confirmation of a donation


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of the father and son and holy spirit Amen.  What things are done in time, lest they slip away with time, are usually set in the language of witnesses and preserved by the memory of vigorous letters so that the challenges of men which can harm the benefactions of many can be somewhat deflected.   Let everyone know that the noble man Jacob in our presence, desiring together with his wife to show reverence and honor to the to the domain of the Sepulchre, venerable to all, indeed to be signed and protected by the habit and sign of that order, conferred the estate called Dzierkówek together with the whole inheritance pertaining to that manor on the church of Miechów, founded in the said name of the holy Sepulchre, to be possessed in alms freely and absolutely by hereditary right, not only on the brothers there but the many present, with no one objecting.  In order that this laudable and devout grant may have proper and strong  stability, I lady Gremislava, duchess, with my son duke Boleslaw, and I Adalbert palatine held it appropriate to show witness to the truth by the present page, with the impression of our seals as proof of faith.  Witnesses:  Mark castellan, Precslaw Zaya, Adalbert his brother, Strezec, Wencezlaw Sala, Nicholas his son, Getka subchamberlain, Bogufalus Zamborich, Bogulaw chamberlain of the palatine, Falimir tribune of the bishop, John son of Pretslaw, Cristin son of Mlodote, Vlodimir, Falec, and Adalbert his brother, Sdislaw tribune of Lublin, Bogdas chamberlain, the wife of Michael, the wife of Martin, Cristin son of Redslaw, Cherubin, Remold and Eustach sons of Seraphin, Stephen brother of Crison, Sifrid villager of Scharesovia with all the townsmen of Scharesovia, Dobes son of Voyslaw with his son-in-law Bernard, Stephen son of Roman, Crisan son of Pucislaw, Criz son of Gosslaw, Adalbert son of Vignan with his brother Vito, Bogufal Radsulovic, Segneus, Bronis castellan of Chehow.  This was enacted in the one thousand two hundred 30th year from the incarnation of the lord, in the octave of St. Martin in Scharesovia, with us and those witnesses proceeding to a meeting with duke Conrad and the knights who were formerly driven from Poland by him, then recalled from Rus through his son, and with him crossing the bridge of the river called Radomera.  May all remain strong and none oppose.

Original letter:

In nomine patris et filij et spiritus sancti Amen.  Que geruntur in tempore, ne lebantur cum tempore, poni solent in lingua testium, uel uiuacis littere memoria conseruari, quatinus sic hominum calumpnia possit aliquatenus deuitari, que plerumque solet benefactis nouercari.  Nouerint igitur tam uniuersi, quam singuli, quod nobilis vir Iacobus in nostra constitutus presencia, cupiens vna cum uxore Sepulchro dominico ab omnibus uenerando, reuerenciam et honorum exibere, imo habitu et signo ordinis illius insigniri et muniri, villam dictam Dirscouich una cum hereditate uille integraliter pertinenti, ecclesie Mechouiensi nomine sancti Sepulchri fundate supradicti, in elemosinam libere et absolute hereditario iure, non solum fratribus eiusdem, imo multis presentibus, nullo uero reclamante, contulit possidendam.  Vt autem hec collacio laudabilis et deuota debitam et robustam optineat firmitatem, ego domina Grimislaua ducissa cum filio meo duce Boleslauo, et ego Adalbertus palatinus in argumentum fidei nostrorum impressione sigillorum dignum duximus per presentem paginam ueritati testimonium perhibere.  Testes:  Marcus castellanus, Precslauus Zaya, Adalbertus frater eius, Strezec, Wencezlauus Sala, Nicolaus filius eius, Getka subcamerarius, Bogufalus Zamborich, Boguslauus camerarius palatini, Falimirus tribunus episcopi, Iohannes filius Pretslaui, Cristinus filius Mlodote, Vlodimirus, Falec et Adalbertus frater eius, Sdislauus tribunus de Lublin, Bogdas camerarius, vxor Michaelis, vxor Martini, Cristinus Redslaui filius, Cherubin, Remoldus et Eustachius filij Seraphin, Stephanus Crisonis frater, Sifridus villicus Scharesouiensis cum omnibus burgensibus de Scharesouia, Dobes filius Uoyslaui cum genero, suo Bernardo, Stephanus Romani filius, Crisan filius Pucislaui, Criz filius Gosslaui, Adalbertus filius Vignani cum Vito fratre suo, Bogufalus Radsulouic, Segneus, Bronis castellanus de Chehow.  Acta sunt hec anno ab incarnacione Domini millesimo ducentesimo XXXo, in octaua beati Martini in Scaresouia, nobis et eisdem testibus ad colloquium procedentibus cum duce Cunrado et militibus per eum pulsis olim de Polonia, tunc autem per filium eius de Rusia reuocatis, secus pontem fluminis, cui nomen Radomera, petractandum.  Valeant omnes et nulli contradicant.

Historical context:

The duchess confirms the donation by a man and his wife of the manor of Dzierzkówek to the canons regulars of the Holy Sepulchre of Miechów.  Though Boleslaw is named in this charter, he was only 4.  I am grateful to Talia Zajac for the reference to this charter.

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 2, Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876-86), p.46, #401. 


1230, November 18