A letter of confirmation
Boleslaw VGremislava of Lutsk
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of the holy and individual trinity, Amen. Since oblivion often absorbs deeds, because of the instability of human nature, since [old] family/descent passes away and [new] family arrives. Therefore I, by divine mercy Duke Boleslaw of Kraków and Sandomierz, together with my dearest mother lady Gremislava, we make known to the present as well as the future, that the brothers of the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of Zagost, came to us [when we were] holding a meeting in Chroberz, with lord Fulco, archbishop of Gnezda, and lord Prandota, bishop of Kraków, and our barons, and asked that we assent to the donation of our predecessors and renew in writing their privileges, which were conferred by my grandfather [sic] Duke Leszek for the freedom of said church and the villages pertaining to it. Agreeing to their just requests, we ordered the present page to be composed, confirming said freedom in perpetuity. For it is worthy/right that every church should enjoy the privilege of freedom along with its revenue without any trouble. The names of the villages, which are declared [to have] full freedom are these: the aforenamed Zagost, in which the house of the brothers is situated. Another is Janina, a third Vloschova, a fourth Januszowice, and all the others which are included in the old privileges of the document. The manner of the freedom is this, that the men in said villages do not pay for Povoz (cart) nor strozis (tax), nor for oxen, nor tenant, nor falconers, nor dog-keepers, nor do they feed hunters of the castles, nor are they subject to the castle or any of the other judges, except those Lords, nor if cited do they respond before anyone, so the said polonical men remain free as in the ancient privileges from every jurisdiction. Lest anyone dare to violate this freedom, we have strengthened it with the protection of our seal, to be observed in perpetuity by all. If anyone should, however, presume to violate it, we commit him to the punishment of divine vengeance. Witness of this thing, archbishop Fulco, bishop Prandota, chancellor Theoderic, Clement, palatine of Kraków. Florian of Sandomierz, Nicholas, palatine of Sierac, Prebislaw Lawrence Cevic, Gerard, abbot of Clara tumba, and several others who were there. Given/dated in Chrober in the year of the lord 1244 on the second of May.
Original letter:
In nomine Sanctae et Indiuiduae Trinitatis Amen. Quoniam saepe facta absorbet oliuio, propter instabilitaem humanae naturae, quia generatio praeterit, et generatio aduenit. Et ideo ego diuina miseratione Dux Boleslaus Cracouiae et Sendomiriae, una cum carissima Matre mea, Domina Grimislaua, Notum facimus, tam praesentibus, quam futuris, quod nobis in Chrober, cum Domino Fulcone Gnezdnensi Archi Episcopo et Domino Prandota Cracouiensi Episcopo, et baronibus nostris colloquium celebrantibus, fratres Hospitalis Beati Joannis Baptistae de Zagost accesserunt ad nos rogantes, ut priuilegia eorum, quae per Auum meum Ducem Lestconem ad libertatem dictae Ecclesiae, et villis eidem attinentibus collata fuerunt, scripto nostro innouaremus, donationi praedecessorum assentientes. Quorum justis petitionibus acquiescentes, praesentem paginam construi praecepimus, libertatem dictam perpetuo confirmantes. Quia dignum est, ut omnis Ecclesia semel sibi reddito priuilegio libertatis, sine aliqua molestia debet (sic) gaudere perpetuo. Nomina autem villarum, quae plena libertate sunt declaratae, haec sunt: praenominata Zagost, in qua ipsa Domus fratrum est sitta. Alia Janina, tertia Vloschoua, quarta Janusouici et omnes aliae, quae in senibus (sic) priuilegijs scriptae continentur. Modus enim libertatis hic est, ut homines in dictis villis sedentes Pouoz non ducant, neque strozis (sic) soluant, neque post boues soluant, neque hospitem, neque falconarios, neque Canum ductores, neque venatores castrorum pascant, neque Castro val alicui aliorum judiciorum subditi sint, praeter ipsos Dominos (sic!), nec citati respondeant coram aliquo, nec ad aedificia castrorum, neque ad expeditionem vadant, sed solummodo suis Dominis sint subditi, ut autem in priuilegijs antiquis est, ab omni jurisdictione polonicali praefati homines, liberi maneant. Ut autem hanc libertatem nullus ultra audeat violare, sigilli nostri munimine roborauimus, omnibus perpetuo obseruandam. Si quis autem eam violare praesumpserit, ultioni diuinae committimus puniendum. Testes hujus rei, Archi Episcopus Fulco, Episcopus Prandota, Theodricus Cancellarius, Clemens Palatinus Cracouien. Florianus Sandomirien. Nicolaus Palatinus de Sierac, Prebislaus Laurentius Ceuic, Gerardus Abbas de Clara tumba, et alij quam plures qui ibidem fuerunt. Datum in Chrober Anno Domini M.CC.XL.IIII (Millesimo ducentesimo quadragesimo quarto 1244) die secundo exeunte Majo.
Historical context:
Boleslaw and his mother confirm a donation made by his ancestor to Hospitallers of Stara Zagosc with the privileges that accompanied it. Clara tumba is a Cistercian monastery founded in 1222 by the bishop of Kraków. I am grateful to Natalia Zajac for alerting me to this document.
Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus Poloniae quo continentur privilegia Regum Poloniae, magnorum Ducum Lithvaniae, Bullae Pontificum … v.3, ed. Julian Bartoszewicz (Warsam, 1858), 45-47, #23.