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A letter confirming a judgment


Boleslaw V
Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

In the name of the lord Amen.  For the perpetual memory of the thing.  Since human deeds however memorable easily flow away from the memory of men, unless they are preserved for the notice of those who come after by the function of letters, we, Sigismund, by the grace of god king of Poland, etc., and of lands, etc.  We signify by the wording of the presents, etc.  Since the Venerable Albert of Klodawa, abbot of the monastery of Andrzeow,  having shown us letters written on parchment containing freedom granted from levy or payment of oxen or stroza or powos, or military expeditions, or constructing arches or castles,  by the illustrious Boleslaw former duke of Kraków and Sandomierz, entreated that they be renewed because of their antiquity, and be confirmed by us with our royal authority.  The wording of which is this:

In the name of our lord Jesus Christ amen.  When there was a dispute before us, Boleslaw by the grace of god duke of Kraków and Sandomierz and our venerable mother Gremislava as well as the discussion in Pijassech (Piasek) held between the abbot of the monastery called Andrezeow on one side and count Michael the castellan of Kraków on the other in the name of his castellancy, over the exaction of functions or rewards in the freedoms noted below, with the abbot saying that he had privileges from the dukes Kazimir and Leszek in these freedoms, that count claims that he showed privileges given to him by said abbot, and when they were shown by him in a discussion held in Kraków, he said they were false and wished to prove this, however while there was a long delay in proving them,  he did not cease from persecution of said monastery and its men meanwhile. We who ought not fail the oppressed subjects in our domain and especially religious men whom we embrace deservedly with greater grace and favor, nor do we wish to in our office, we had those privileges diligently examined, by which examinations we found they were not cancelled, nor abolished nor voided in any part.  Intent on that since it is the strongest reason that we pass judgment for religion over these privileges for the monastery of Andrzeow such that the monastery of Andrzeow with all its villages and their inhabitants, free or bound, should enjoy full freedom, so they are not held to pay strosa or powos or oxen, nor constrained to construct any castle by anyone, nor participate in any expedition nor be judged by anyone, except if they are held to respond about their complaints before us summoned by letters with our seal, and we wish this judgment of ours to remain fixed and firm, so there is no need from now on to show the oftmentioned privileges.  The witnesses who were present in the pronouncement of this judgment are these:  Michael, castellan of Kraków.  Sando, palatine of Sandomierz.  Stephen, castellan of Sandomierz.  Abraam, castellan of Wislica.  John, castellan of Chelco (Chechov?).  Adam, butler of Sandomierz.  Thomas, treasurer of Kraków.  Nicholas, palatine of Siraise (Sieradz?)  Peter, cantor* of Sandomierz.  Voiscelaw Agazo of Sandomierz.  Gecceca.  Virbenta. Przibislaw, ward (nutrito?) of the duke, and several others.  And lest any doubt be raised in the future over these premises, we have had the present document strengthened by the protection of our seal and the seals of the persons named above.  These were enacted in the thousand two hundred forty fifth year (1245) from the incarnation of the lord.  Given/dated in Crober on the tenth of May, seventh kalends of June, third indiction.

We the aforesaid king Sigismund, benignly assenting to the entreaty of the aforesaid venerable abbot Albert as just, and holding the inserted letters to be saved, uninjured, not voided and thoroughly lacking any note of suspicion, we have had them renewed by our royal authority, we have approved them in all their points, clauses and articles, we have ratified and confirmed them, and we approve, ratify, and confirm by the presents, seeing those letters and what is contained in them both in their entirety and singly which were always in the continued use and possession of that abbot and his predecessor abbots, ought to have the strength of owed and perpetual firmness.  In witness of which thing our seal is appended to the presents.  Given/dated at Chroberz on the Saturday between the coming feast of the most holy trinity.   In the thousand five hundred thirty-third year (1533) of the lord.  The twenty seventh year of our reign.  By the presents above.


Original letter:

In nomine domini amen.  Ad perpetuam rei memoriam.  Quoniam facta humana quantumcumque memorabilia facile labuntur ex hominum memoria, nisi litterarum officio posterorum noticie fuerint conservata.  Nos Sigismundus dei gratia Rex Polonie etc. nec non terrarum etc.  Significamus tenore presencium etc.  Quia Venerabilis Albertus de Clodawa Abbas Monasterij Andrzeowiensis, exhibitis coram nobis literis infrascriptis in pelle pecorina conscriptis Illustris olim Boleslaj Ducis Cracoviensis et Sandomiriensis libertatem a prestacione seu solucione boum nec non a stroza, a powos, a bellicis expedicionibus, ac ab extruendis arcibus seu castris concessam in se continentibus, supplicavit eas proper vetustatem ipsarum innovari, auctoritateque nostra Regis per nos confirmarj.  Quarum quidem literarum tenor est talis.

In nomine domini nostri Jesu Christi amen.  Cum esset controversia coram nobis Boleslao dei gracia duce Cracoviensi et Sandomiriensi et Venerabili matre nostra Grimislawa nec non colloquio nostro in Pijassech celebrato inter abbatem de Andrzeow nomine monasterij sui ex una parte, et comitem Michaelem Castellanum Cracoviensem ex altera nomine Castellanie eiusdem super libertatibus functionum prestacionem (?) vel munerum inferius annotatis, dicente eodem abbate se habere privilegia ducum Kazimirz scilicet et Leschkonis super hijsdem libertatibus, idem comes pecijt sibi privilegia a predicto abbate exhiberj, cumque sibi exhibita fuissent, in colloquio habito in Cracovia dixit ea esse falsa, et hoc probare se velle, cumque postmodum in mora longa essent (?) probandj, nec ab infestacione dicti Monasterij et eius hominum medio tempore cessaret, nos qui iniuste oppressis nostre dominacioni subiectis et precipue viris Relligiosis quos ampliorj gracia et favore merito complectimur in sua justicia deesse non debemus, nec volumus ex officio nostro, eadem privilegia fecimus diligenter examinarj, quibus examinatis invenimus ea non cancellata, nec abolita nec in aliqua parte sui viciata, attento eo quia maxima racio est, que pro relligione facit talem pro Monasterio Andrzeouiensi super hisdem privilegijs ferimus sentenciam, ut monasterium de Andrzeow cum omnibus villis suis, et incolis earundem, liberis sive seruis, plenaria gaudeant libertate, ut neque strosam, neque powos, neque solucionem boum solvere teneantur, nec ad aliquod castrum construendum ab aliquibus constringantur, nec alicui intersint expedicioni nec ab aliquo iudicentur, tantum coram nobis per literas cum sigillo nostro cittatj de se querelantibus (sic) teneantur respondere, et hanc nostram sentenciam sic ratam et firmam manere volumus, ut sepefata privilegia de cetero necesse non habeant exhiberj.  Testes vero qui presentes fuerunt in prolacione huius sentencie sunt isti.  Fulco Archiepiscopus Gnesnensis, Prandota Episcopus Cracoviensis.  Clemens palatinus Cracoviensis.  Michael Castellanus Cracoviensis.  Sando palatinus Sandomiriensis.  Stephanus Castellanus Sandomiriensis.  Abraam Castellanus Visliciensis.  Joannes Castellanus de Chelco (Chechov?).  Adam pincerna Sandomiriensis.  Thomas Thezaurarius Cracoviensis.  Nicolaus palatinus de Siraise.  Petrus cantor (?) (venator?) Sandomiriensis.  Voiscelaus Agazo Sandomiriensis.  Gecceca.  Virbenta.  Przibislaus nutrito (?) ducis, et plures alij.  Et ne super premissis aliqua valeat in posterum oriri dubietas presentem cartam duximus sigilli nostri munimine et sigillorum personarum superscriptarum in testimonium roborandam.  Acta sunt hec anno ab incarnatione dominj Millesimo.ducentesimo.quadragesimo quinto (1245) Datam in Crober mense Maijo decimo septimo kalendas Junij indicione tercia.

Nos itaque Sigismundus Rex prefatus.  Supplicacioni prefati Venerabilis Alberti Abbatis tanquam juste benigne annuentes, considerantesque literas preinsertas esse salvas, illesas, non viciatas et omni prorsus supicionis nota carentes eas innovari fecimus auctoritateque nostra Regia in omnibus illarum punctis, clausulis et articulis approbavimus, ratificavimus, et confirmavimus, approbamusque ratificamus et confirmamus presentibus decernentes easdem literas nec non omnia et singula in illis contenta in quorum usu et possessione continuata idem Abbas et predecessores sui Abbates, semper fuerunt, robur debite perpetueque firmitatis debere obtinere.  In cuius rei testimonium Sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum.  Datum Carcovie sabbato ante festum Sanctissime Trinitatis proximo.  Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo tercio (1533).  Regni nostri anno vigesimo septimo.  Presentibus quibus supra.

Historical context:

Gremislava and her son uphold the privileges of the Cistercian monastery at Jedrzejow which had been contested by the castellan of Kraków.  The letter is preserved within a later document of King Sigismund in 1533, in response to a request by the then abbot.  I am grateful to Natalia Zajac for alerting me to this document.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Poloniae quo continentur privilegia Regum Poloniae, magnorum Ducum Lithvaniae, Bullae Pontificum … v.3, ed. Julian Bartoszewicz (Warsam, 1858), 49-51, #24.



1245, May 17