A letter of donation
Boleslaw VGremislava of Lutsk
Prandota, bishop of KrakówPublic
Translated letter:
In the name of our lord Jesus Christ amen. We Boleslaw duke by the grace of god of Kraków and Sandomierz together with our most serene mother Gremislava, make known to all that we acknowledge the payment to the venerable father our lord Prandota by the grace of god bishop of Kraków and through him the church of Kraków by right of a tenth of all our salt in Bochnia, placing him in physical possession when he reckons this by common right as in other income of his tithe promising that he has the tenth [of the] salt pan or a tenth part of the whole value/price or form of the greater salt according to the income of that bishop and we promise to do justice to him in the future through all things with the tenth of said salt to publish fully in the next meeting. Given/dated in the meeting at Chroberz on the eve of St. John the Baptist, in the year of the lord 1250.
Original letter:
In nomine domini nostri ihesu christi amen. Nos Bolezlaus dei gracia dux Cracouie et Sandomirie vnacum Serenissima matre nostra Grimizlaua Notum facimus uniuersis. quod recognoscimus Venerabili patri nostro domino Prandote dei gracia Cracouiensi Episcopo et per eum ecclesie Cracouiensi Ius decime tocius salis nostri in Bochna [Bochnia] ponentes eum in posessione corporali cum hoc sic de Iure communi conpetat sicut in alijs obuencionibus eiusdem decime siue quod decimam sartaginem habeat siue decimam partem tocius precij siue ad formam maioris Salis secundum ipsius episcopi obuencionem promittentes ei iusticiam facere per omnia in futurum de decima Salis predicti et hoc promittimus plenius in Colloquio proximo publicare Datum in Colloquio prope Chrober in Vigilia sancti Iohannis baptiste Anno domini M. C. C. L.
Historical context:
Together with her son Bolesław V the duchess grants a tenth of the revenue from a salt mine in Bochnia, to Bishop Prandota of Kraków and to the chapter of Kraków Cathedral. I am grateful to Natalia Zajac for alerting me to this text.
Printed source:
Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Poloniae Illustrantia, 4.39-40, #31.