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A letter of confirmation


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth, by the grace of God queen of Hungary, to all the faithful of Christ present and future, greetings in the bestower of civilization.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by the relation of these, that our faithful count/ispán Perchinus of the chamber of the lord king, coming into our presence, showed us the charter of our dearest consort king Stephen of  renowned memory produced over the land of the castrum of Riuche which district is called Machich, asking us humbly and devotedly, that we deign to give our own charter according to the form of that charter, whose content is thus:

[CDCr 5.572-73, #21, dated 1270]  “Stephen by the grace of God king of Hungary, Dalmatia, Croatia, Rama*, Serbia Gallicia, Lodomeria, Cumania, and Bulgaria, to all present and future who will look at the present letters, greetings in the savior of all.  It pertains to royal majesty to acquiesce to the prayers of subjects so that the number of faithful may be increased and royal power extended more widely.  Thus it is that we wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of the presents, that count/ispán Perchinus, a citizen of Gradec (Grecensis) coming into our presence, our beloved and faithful, humbly asked us to deign by our charter to confirm the donation and charter of our dearest father of happy memory made to him on the land of the castrum of Riuche, which district is called Machich, and to renew that privilege. Whose content is thus:  [cites letter of king Bela].. 
“We therefore inclined from royal favor to the just requests of that count/ispán Perchinus, holding the said donation of our dearest father to be right, acceptable and firm, confirm that donation by royal authority and we renew that charter/privilege by the contents of the presents.  That this confirmation and renewal of ours may obtain the power of perpetual stability and cannot be revoked in the course of time by anyone with an accusation, we granted the present letters to count Perchinus strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of master Benedict provost of the church of Orodiens our faithful and beloved, vicechancellor of our court, in the thousand two hundred seventieth year of the lord, the first year of our reign.”

We therefore, inclined to the just requests of that count Perchinus, that we verify that the charter of our dearest consort was produced justly and legitimately, having it inserted in the presents word for word without changing it in any part, have had it fortified by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Philip, by the grace of God bishop of Vaciens, our faithful chancellor of our court, on the island of the glorious Virgin,**  in the thousand two hundred seventy second year of the lord, on the feast of St. Michael the archangel.

Original letter:

Elisabet dei gracia regina Hungarie, universis Christi fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris, salutem in salutis largitore.  [A]d universorum noticiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod Perchinus comes camere domini regis fidelis noster, ad nostram accedens presenciam, exhibuit nobis privilegium karissimi consortis nostri St(ephani) regis inclite recordacionis, confectum super terra castri de Riuche, que villicatus Machich nuncupatur, petens a nobis humiliter et devote, ut secundum formam ipsius privilegii nostrum dare privilegium dignaremur, cuius quidem tenor talis est:

Stephanus dei gracia Hungarie, Dalmacie, Croacie, Rame, Servie Gallicie, Lodomerie, Cumanie, Bulgarieque rex omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris, presentes litteras inspecturis salutem in omnium salvatore.  Ad regiam pertinet maiestatem precibus condescendere subditorum, ut sic numerus fidelium augeatur et regalis potencia lacius extendatur.  Hinc est, quod ad universorum noticiam tenore presencium volumus pervenire, quod accedens ad nostram presenciam comes Perchinus civis Grecensis, dilectus et fidelis noster a nobis humiliter postulavit, ut donacionem seu privilegium karissimi patris nostri felicis recordacionis eidem factam super terra castri de Riuche, que villicatus Machich nuncupatur, nostro dignaremur privilegio confirmare et eundem privilegium innovare.  Cuius quidem tenor talis est:  [slijedi listina kralja Bele od god.1270]  Nos igitur iustis peticionibus eiusdem Perchini comitis regio ex favore inclinati, predictam donacionem karissimi patris nostri in omnibus ratam, gratam et firmam habentes, eandem donacionem regia auctoritate confirmamus et ipsum privilegium tenore presencium innovamus et innovatum roboramus.  Ut autem hec nostra confirmacio et innovacio robur optineat perpetue firmitatis, nec processu temporum per quempiam in irritum valeat revocari, dicto comiti Perchino presentes concessimus litteras duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus magistri Benedicti Orodiensis ecclesie prepositi dilecti et fidelis nostri, aule nostre vicecancellarii, anno domini MoCCo septuagesimo, regni autem nostri anno primo.

Nos igitur iustis peticionibus eiusdem comitis Perchini inclinate, quia comperimus privilegium ipsius karissimi consortis nostri iuste et legitime processisse, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatum, de verbo ad verbum presentibus inseri facientes, duplicis sigilli nostri munimine fecimus roborari.  Datum per manus venerabilis patris Ph(ilippi) dei gracia episcopi Waciensis, aule nostre cancellarii, fidelis nostri, in insula Virginis gloriose, anno domini millesimo ducentesimo septuagesimo secundo, in festo sancti Michaelis archangeli.

Historical context:

The queen accedes to the request from one of her deceased husband’s men to confirm a charter he holds from her husband, king Stephen, which in turn confirmed one from his father, king Béla, granting him Riuche in the district of Machich.  Her charter quotes Stephen’s charter, which is included here. castrum is an administrative unit with a castle at the center.

Scholarly notes:

* King of Rama (Latin: Rex Ramae) was a title used by the monarchs of Hungary to provide a legal basis for their pretence of supremacy over Bosnia. The title refers to the river Rama, a small tributary of the Neretva. A state called Rama never existed.
** The Island of Rabbits, now Margaret Island.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34),  6.6, #8.


1272, September 29