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A confirmation of an exchange


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God senior/dowager queen of Hungary, duchess of all Slavonia, of Macsó and of Bosnia, to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present page, greetings in the bestower of salvation.  Lest the things that are done in time disappear with time, the prudent wisdom of men devised that the content of things done legally be entrusted to the faithful memory of letters.  Therefore we wish it to be made manifest to the notice of all of you by the wording of the presents, that it pleased our excellence that we receive from our faithful count/ispán Benedict, son of count Joance, a certain possession of his called Podgorya, which he had bought from Matthew and Peter, sons of Morthunus for a price, for the right and property of our magnificence as exchange for a certain land of ours called Urboa by name, for our use, which though it had been conferred by our grant on Thomas son of Cornelius and formerly assigned and granted to master John son of Nicholas of the Chak family, then taken from them and long since kept by us with all its uses and appurtenances with which we possess it, to that count Benedict and through him to his heirs and successors of their heirs in exchange for his said hereditary possession  called Podgorya that though it may be bought, still it is considered confirmed hereditary by right and custom of the kingdom; nor do we omit that since the oftmentioned possession Urboa was better and more useful than the oftmentioned land Podgorya, moreover we received two hundred marks from said count Benedict, which that Benedict paid us in coins (denariis) and silver, and since the lord king our dearest son was held captive through the cruelty and reckless boldness of certain traitors to our kingdom, most unspeakable, we, as an anxious mother suffering inwardly seeking to act on this and requiring a subsidy and consolation, gave our dearest son and spent said two hundred marks on the faithful of the royal majesty and crown, which we had, for the freeing of our son with attentive maternal care, and so we gave, conferred, and handed over the oftmentioned possession Urboa with all its uses and appurtenances, by way of exchange and by right of sale, to said count Benedict and his heirs and successors of the heirs to be possessed by perpetual right peacefully and irrevocably.  And in order that this exchange and sale  made by us with the consent and good will of our dearest son not be liable to be withdrawn by anyone in the future, we have had the presents strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Pouce, bishop of Sirimyens our faithful chancellor of our court, in the thousand two hundred eighty second year from the incarnation of the lord.

Original letter:

[E]lyzabeth dei gracia maior regina Hungarie, ducissa tocius Sclauonie, de Machou et de Bozna vniuersis Christi fidelibus presentem paginam inspecturis salutem in salutis largitore.  Ne labantur cum tempore, que in tempore peraguntur, prouida hominum discrecio adinuenit, vt rerum legitime gestarum series fidei memorie litterarum commendetur.  Proinde vniuersitatis uestre noticie tenore presencium fieri uolumus manifestum, quod placuit excellencie nostre, quod vt a comite Benedicto filio comitis Joance fidele nostro quandam possessionem suam Podgorya nuncupatam, quam a Mathia et Petro filiis Morthunus precio comparauerat, ad ius et proprietatem magnitudinis nostre per concambium cuiusdam terre nostre Vrboa nomine reciperemus pro vtilitate nostra, que licet per collacionem nostram Thome filio Cornelii et magistro Johanni filio Nicolai de genere Chak pridem assignata et collata extitisset, ipsam tamen ab eisdem ablatem et apud nos diucius conseruatam cum omnibus vtilitatibus suis et pertinenciis vniuersis, quibus nos eam possedimus, ipsi comiti Benedicto et per eum suis heredibus, heredumque suorum successoribus in concambium predicte possessionis sue hereditarie Podgorya nomine que licet empticia sit, de iure tamen et regni consuetudine approbata hereditaria reputatur:  nec pretermittimus, quod, quia sepedicta possessio Wrboa pocior et vtilior erat quam terra Podgorya foret sepedicta, insuper a memorato comite Benedicto recepimus ducentas marcas, quas nobis idem Benedictus in denariis et argento plenarie persoluit, et quia dominus rex filius noster karissimus per seuiciam quorundam infidelium regni nostri et audaciam temerariam, quod dictu nephandissimum, captus detinebatur, nos ueluti mater anxia commotis uisceribus materno ex amore inferre querens hinc et inde subsidium et solamen requirendo, eciam ipsum filium nostrum karissimum, dictas ducentas marcas dedimus et expendimus fidelibus regie maiestatis et corone, quos habere potuimus pro liberacione filii nostri sedula cura maternali, et sic sepedictam possessionem Wrboa cum omnibus vtilitatibus suis et pertinenciis vniuersis tam racione concambii, quam eciam iure vendicionis dedimus, cotulimus et dimisimus memorato Benedicto comiti et suis heredibus, heredumque successoribus iure perpetuo pacifice et irreuocabiliter possidendam.  Et ne huiusmodi concambium et uendicio per nos facta ex consensu et uoluntate karissimi filii nostri possit per quempiam in posterum retractari, presentes dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine fecimus roborari.  Datum per manus venerabilis patris Pouce episcopi Sirimyensis aule nostre cancellarii fidelis nostri, anno ab incarnacione domini MoCCo octuagesimo secundo.

Historical context:

The queen confirms an exchange of land she had made with one of her men for land and money, which money she spent to release her son, the king, from captivity by rebels.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34), 6.421-11, #357.  
