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A letter of restitution


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God senior/dowager queen of Hungary to all to whom the presents are shown, greetings in the lord.    We wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of the presents that though we ordered the tithes of the free towns of Veröce and Lipova and the whole county of Veröce, of fruits, wine, marten fur, tributes,  markets and ports in our time believing those tithes to pertain to us, though we were also often asked by the venerable father Timothy by the grace of God bishop of Zagreb for restitution, we did not acquiesce until now in this regard.  But since the truth was sought diligently and appeared in a clearer light in every way to us as much through religious men and other ecclesiastics, as through major trustworthy laymen with every exception, that those tithes truly and without doubt pertain to the right and property of said venerable father Timothy, bishop of Zagreb and his church.  Wishing to consult our conscience and salvation, we have given back and restored purely and simply without any opposition in full right those tithes, namely fruits, wine, marten-fur, tributes, markets, and ports of the said towns and the whole county of Veröce to said venerable father Timothy bishop of Zagreb, to his successors and to his church.  Leaving behind and permitting him to receive said tithes without opposition peacefully and quietly.  Promising moreover in good faith that from now on we shall not trouble said lord bishop and his successors and the church of Zagreb over those tithes nor shall we permit them to be troubled by anyone.  And that this our owed and salutary restitution of tithes to said venerable father Timothy bishop of Zagreb and his successors and the church of Zagreb made by us may remain perpetual, undisturbed and inviolable, we promise to obtain letters from our dearest son Ladislaus by the grace of God illustrious king of Hungary and his consort, our beloved daughter-in-law, for the lord bishop and his church to give action on the firmness and stability of the prescriptions with all sincerity of spirit in good faith.  In perpetual and stable memory of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated in Veröce, on the octave of St. Martin the confessor, in the thousand two hundred eighty third year of the lord.

Original letter:

Elisabeth dei gracia maior regina Hungarie vniuersis quibus presentes ostendentur salutem in domino.  Ad noticiam vniuersorum tenore presencium volumus peruenire, quod licet nos decimas liberarum villarum de Vereuyce et Lypoa, ac tocius comitatus de Vereuce tam frugum, vini, quam marturinarum, tributorum, fororum ac portuum nostris temporibus percepimus credentes ipsas decimas ad nos pertinere, licet eciam per venerabilem patrem Thymoteum dei gracia episcopum Zagrabiensem super restitucione earumdem fuissemus sepius requisite, nec eidem acquievissemus usque ad hec tempora in hac parte.  Quia tamen perquisita diligencius et comperta omnimoda ueritate nobis luce clarius constitit tam per uiros religiosos, alias personas ecclesiasticas, quam eciam laicos fidedignos omni excepcione majores, ipsas decimas ad ius et proprietatem dicti venerabilis patris Thymotei episcopi Zagrabiensis, ac eius ecclesie proculdubio et ueraciter pertinere.  Volentes nostre consciencie consulere ac saluti, easdem decimas, videlicet frugum, vini, marturinarum, tributorum, fororum ac portuum predictarum villarum ac tocius comitatus ville de Vereuce prefato venerabili patri Thymoteo episcopo Zagrabiensi, eius successoribus ac eccloesie sue reddidimus et restituimus pure et simpliciter sine omni contradiccione pleno iure.  Relinquentes et permittentes ipsum prescriptas decimas sine omni contradiccione percipere pacifice et quiete.  Promittentes insuper bona fide, quod deinceps predictum dominum episcopum et suos successores ac ecclesiam Zagrabiensem super ipsis decimis non molestabimus nec paciemur per quempiam molestari.  Et ut hec nostra debita et salubris restitucio decimarum dicto venerabili patri Thymoteo episcopo Zagrabiensi eiusque successoribus ac ecclesie Zagrabiensi per nos facta, perpetua, inconcussa ac inuiolabilis perseueret, promittimus de inpetrandis literis karissimi filii nostri Ladizlai dei gracia illustris regis Hungarie ac eius consortis, nurus nostre predilecte, pro domino episcopo et eius ecclesia super firmitate et stabilitate prescriptorum dare operam cum omni animi sinceritate bona fide.  In cuius rei memoriam perpetuamque firmitatem presentes concessimus literas duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum in Vereuce, in octaua beati Martini confessoris, anno domini MCC octuagensimo tercio.

Historical context:

The queen bows to her son’s insistence that she restore tithes she had usurped from the bishop of Zagreb (see CDCr 6.490-91), basing her shift on information that has come to her from various sources. 

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34), 6.447-48, #378.  


1283, November 18