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A letter of restitution


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God senior/dowager queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will see the present page greetings in the bestower of salvation.  We wish to bring to the attention of all present and past by the contents of these that when capital enemies of his from among our barons frequently and assiduously accused master James, son of Panyit of the Buzád family, that he had not shown owed loyalty to us and our son the lord king in our legations when we led them to serve in southern parts, we, acquiescing to the counsels and foolish words of our said barons, revoked and took back from him our whole grant, namely the village of Csehi, three villages of Dobsza in the county/ispánate of Segesd (Somogy), two towns called Orioche and Berezenyche in the county of Pozsega, since he also had a certain tavarnik of ours, named Paul, killed.  As we learned more certainly about all the things mentioned, that all these arose from passion against him to separate him from our service by evil zeal, knowing him to be uninvolved and innocent in this deed, and though that said Paul was deservedly killed, he satisfied the wife and relatives of that Paul who was killed according to the judgment of our barons, giving weight to all his loyalty and services which he had given us for a long time, we gave back and restored to him the said village Csehi, the three villages of Dobsza and the towns called Orioche and Berezenyche with the full will of our dearest son to be held by perpetual right irrevocably to sons of his sons, as we conferred it long ago with all its uses and appurtenances.  So that the present donation may have force of perpetual stability, we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of the double seal.  Dated by the hand of master Lawrence provost of Pozsega our beloved and faithful vicechancellor of our court, in the thousand two hundred eighty eighth year of grace.

Original letter:

[E]lysabeth dei gracia maior regina Hungarie omnibus Christi fidelibus presentem paginam intuentibus salutem in salutis largitore.  Ad universorum tam presencium quam posterorum noticiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod cum magistrum Jacobum filium Ponyth de genere Buzad quidam de nostris baronibus capitales inimicy eiusdem nobis frequenter et asidue acusassent, non debita fidelitate nobis et filio nostro domino regi in legacionibus nostris quando ad partes meridionales duxeramus transmittendum seruiuisse, nos predictorum barronum nostrorum consiliis et verbis frivolis aquiescentes totam collacionem nostram, videlicet villam Chehy, tres villas Dobza in comitatu de Segusd, duas villas Orioche et Berezenyche uocatas in comitatu de Posega exhistentes ab eodem revocaueramus et receperamus, et quia eciam quendam tavarnicum nostrum Paulum nomine fecerat interimi.  Vnde nos super premissis omnibus certo certius sumus experti, ut hec omnia ex odii fomite contra eundem fuerant exorte, ut eundem a nostro servicio sub malo zelo possint separare, scientes eundem esse immunem in hoc facto et innocuum, et licet idem Paulus predictus merito fuerit interfectus, uxori et agnatis eiusdem Pauli interfecti secundum sententiam barronum nostrorum satisfecit, attendentes totam ipsius fidelitatem et servicia, que nobis a longo tempore impenderat, predictam villam Chehy, tres villas Dobza et villas Berzenyche et Oriocha nominatas reddimus et restituimus eidem ex voluntate filii nostri karissimi pleno iure perpetuo in filios filiorum possidendam irreuocabiliter, sicut contuleramus ab antiquo cum omnibus utilitatibus et pertinenciis universis.  Vt presens donacio robur optineat perpetue firmitatis presentes concessimus litteras dupplicis sigilli munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus magistri Laurencii prepositi de Posaga aule nostre vicecancellarii dilecti et fidelis nostri, anno gracie MoCCo octuagesimo octavo.

Historical context:

The queen restores various possessions which she had taken from James because of reports by her barons which she now says were false and driven by hostility.  Even the death of her tavarnik, Paul, she now accepts as deserved.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, ed. T. Smiciklas (Zagreb, 1904-34), 6.627-28, #531.  
