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A donation


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

We, Isabella, by the grace of God queen of Hungary commending to memory signify to all to whom this reaches, that wishing to provide for the remedy and salvation of our soul, we have given, donated and conferred a certain reginal land of ours called Chu next to the land Cholnuk on which six dwellings of our people formerly sat with all its uses and appurtenances, on the sisters of the Island of the Blessed Virgin to be possessed by perpetual right and peacefully in that right and plenitude in which lady Elizabeth, queen, our dearest mother-in-law is known to have conferred that land on those sisters.  Dated on the said Island of the Blessed Virgin, on the third day after the feast of St. Catharine the virgin, in the 1276th year of the lord.

Original letter:

Nos I[sabella] Dei gratia regina Hungarie memorie commendantes significamus, quibus expedit, universis, quod volentes consulere anime nostre remedio et saluti quandam terram nostram reginalem Chw vocatam existentem iuxta terram Cholnuk, super qua sex mansiones populorum nostrorum quondam residebant, cum omnibus utilitatibus et pertinentiis suis universis dedimus, donavimus et contulimus sororibus de Insula Beate Virginis iure perpetuo et pacifice possidendam eo iure eaque plenitudine, quibus domina E[lizabeth] regina, karissima socrus nostra, eisdem sororibus dinoscitur contulisse ipsam terram.  Datum in Insula Beate Virginis predicta, tertio die post festum sancte Katerine virginis, anno Domini Mo Cco LXXo sexto.

Historical context:

The queen donates land to the nuns on the Island of Rabbits with the same rights her mother-in-law had given them.  The feast of St. Catharine is celebrated on November 25.

Printed source:

Budapest történek okleveles emlékel.  Monumenta diplomatica civitatis Budapest, I (1148-1301), ed. D. Csánky (Budapest:  Gárdonyi, 1936), 160-61, #143.


1276, November 27