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A letter of restoration


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth, by the grace of God queen of Hungary, to all the children of holy mother Church who see the present writing, greetings in the savior of all.  We wish to bring to the notice of all, present as well as future by the contents of these, that palatine Mojs, count of Somogy and judge of the Cumans, our faithful, asked us urgently that we deign by our grace to restore and give back to him with full right, the villages called Kosuh, Belch,  Csap, Turno and Ráksi, in Tolna and Somogy counties/ispánates which his great father Mojs, formerly Palatine, had, and were said to have been occupied unduly by lady Maria, our mother-in-law of good memory.  Indeed since the truth of said possessions was not fully clear to us, to investigate the truth in every way, we sent the venerable father, Philip, by the grace of God bishop of Vác, chancellor of our court; who coming back to us told us:  that to the assertions of said palatine Mojs, the truth was manifestly supported by diligent investigation of everything.  Whence, we promised by oath on the day of our coronation (placing the crown on our head), that the rights of nobles unduly alienated and unjustly occupied by our ancestors, we would have given back and restored.   And since by the said venerable father as well as truthful relations of the faithful and those worthy of faith showed us clearly that said possession pertained by hereditary right and reasonably to the palatine Mojs:  wishing to respond with a payment of  worthy retribution for the merits of the services which he had given us in various things and especially in Bulgaria, with highest loyalty, we gave back and restored them to the fullest with all uses and appurtenances, to be possessed perpetually and irrevocably; as his father had possessed them from of old.  We have granted the present letters, strengthened by the protection of our seal, so that the content of this thing may not be revoked in th course of time by anyone as invalid.  Dated in the thousand, two hundred, seventy second year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Elisabeth, Dei gratia, Regina Hungariae, vniuersis sanctae matris Ecclesiae filiis, praesens scriptum intuentibus, salutem in omnium saluatore.  Ad vniuersorum notitiam, tam praesentium, quam futurorum, harum serie volumus peruenire, quod Moys Palatinus, Comes Symigiensis, et iudex Cumanorum, fidelis noster, a nobis cum instantia postulauit, quod villas Kozut, Belch, Csop, Turnos, et Rakusi vocatas, in Tholnensi et Simighiensi Comitatibus constitutas, quae patris sui magni Moys, quondam Palatini fuerant, et per Dominam Mariam, socrum nostram, bonae memoriae, indebite occupatae fore dicebantur, de nostra gratia, sibi restituere et reddere dignaremur pleno iure.  Verum quia veritas de praedictis possessionibus plene nobis non constabat, ad inquirendam omnimodam veritatem, venerabilem Patrem, Philippum, Dei gratia, Episcopum Vaciensem, aulae nostrae Cancellarium, duximus transmittendum; qui ad nos rediens, nobis dixit:  quod praedicti Moys Palatini assertionibus veritas, facta per omnia diligenter inquisitione, suffragaretur manifeste.  Vnde, cum die appositionis coronae capiti nostro promisimus iuramento, quod iura Nobilium per antecessores nostros indebite alienata et iniuste occupata, reddi faceremus et restitui.  Et quia etiam tum per praedictum venerabilem Patrem, tum etiam veridicis relationibus fidelium et fide dignorum nobis constitit euidenter praedictas possessiones ad Moys Palatinum iure hereditario et rationabili pertinere:  volentes eidem condigno retributionis stipendio propter obsequiorum merita, quae nobis in diuersis et specialiter in Bulgaria, cum suprema fidelitate impendit, respondere, ad plenum easdem cum omnibus vtilitatibus et pertinentiis, reddidimus, restituimus, perpetuo et irreuocabiliter possidendas; quemadmodum Pater eiusdem possederat ab antiquo.  Ne igitur huius rei series processu temporum per quempiam valeat in irritum reuocari, praesentes concessimus litteras, sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum anno Domini Millesimo, ducentesimo, septuagesimo secundo.

Historical context:

At his request and after an investigation of the situation, the queen restores villages in Tolna and Somogy which Queen Maria had taken from his father to Mojs who was a magister tavarnicorum of the queen.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 5.2. 58-60.  Also in Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana, ed. E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest 2008), 67-68.



1272, August 3