A letter of confirmation
Isabella/Elizabeth of AnjouReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
Elizabeth, by the grace of God, queen of Hungary, to all the faithful of Christ, present as well as future who will see the present writing, eternal salvation/greetings in the Lord. Since the world, fixed on evil in many and multifarious ways, daily generates new disputes, justice might easily be exiled beyond the limits of the world unless the strength and force of the testimony of letters refrains the attempts of the accusers and the kinds of fabricated struggles. Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of these, that since a noble man, Mojs, palatine of good memory, possessed certain lands or villages, namely those called Kazsok, Ráksi, Béc, Farnas and Csap, in the county/ispánate of Tolna, peacefully during his life, and then after the death of that palatine Mojs, those lands or villages, were unduly alienated from master Mojs, son of the said palatine Mojs and received by lady Maria, illustrious queen of Hungary of happy memory, our dearest grandmother: yet since lord king Béla and lady Maria, his dearest consort were taken from [our] midst, it was arranged and established in a common gathering and assembly of all the nobles and chiefs of the kingdom, with the advice and good will of lord king Stephen, our father-in-law, and lady queen Elizabeth, his consort, our beloved mother-in-law, that the possessions of whatever nobles which had been unduly alienated, should be given back and restored with all right: among other things, that lady queen Elizabeth had the facts about said villages or lands committed to the investigation of the venerable father, lord Philip bishop of Vác, chancellor of her court; and since the facts by diligent investigation of that venerable father showed that said lands or villages pertained in the right and property of the master Mojs, she gave back and restored [them] to him according to the form of her charter composed for that purpose, with all their rights and appurtenances, as they had been obtained and possessed by his father, the palatine Mojs. And so we not wishing to fail any nobles of our kingdom in their rights, abandoned and let go said lands and villages to that master Mojs, to be possessed with all their appurtenances; confirming the order made by lady queen Elizabeth, our dearest mother-in-law, and her charter over the restitution of the lands or villages by the authority of the presents. In witness and perpetual stability of which thing, we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal. Dated by the hand of the venerable father lord Philip bishop of Vác, our loyal chancellor of our court. In the thousand two hundred seventy sixth year of the Lord.
Original letter:
Elisabeth, Dei gratia, Regina Hungariae, omnibus Christi fidelibus, tam praesentibus, quam futuris, praesens scriptum inspecturis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Quia mundus in maligno positus multifarie, multisque modis, quotidie noua iurgia generat, iustitia de facile extra mundi terminos exularet, nisi conatus calumniantium, et genera litium fabricantium, vigor et robur testimonii litterarum refroenaret. Proinde ad vniuersorum notitiam harum serie volumus peruenire, quod cum vir Nobilis Moys, Palatinus, bonae memoriae, quasdam terras, seu villas, Kozuk videlicet, Rakusy, Belch, Furnoch et Chap, vocatas in comitatu Tholnensi existentes, ad tempus vitae suae pacifice possedisset, et demum post mortem ipsius Moys Palatini eaedem terrae, seu villae, a Magistro Moys, filio praedicti Moys Palatini, per Dominam Mariam, illustrem reginam Hungariae, felicis recordationis, auiam nostram charissimam, indebite alienatae et receptae exstitissent: tamen quia Domino Bela Rege, et Domina Maria, [regina] charissima consorte eiusdem de medio sublatis, in communi congregatione et conuentione omnium Nobilium et Procerum Regni, de consilio et beneplacito Domini regis Stephani, soceri nostri, et Dominae Elisabeth reginae, consortis eiusdem, socrus nostrae perdilectae, ordinatum et stabilitum fuerat, vt possessiones quorumlibet Nobilium, indebite alienatae, redderentur et restituerentur omni iure: inter cetera eadem Domina Elisabeth Regina, factum praedictarum villarum, seu terrarum, inquisitioni ven[erabilis] Patris, Domini Philippi Episcopi Vaciensis, aulae suae Cancellarii, duxerat committendum; et quia facta diligenti inquisitione per ipsum ven[erabilem] Patrem, praedictas terras, seu villas comperit in ius et proprietatem ipsius Magistri Moys pertinere, eidem secundum formam priuilegii sui, exinde confecti, tradidit et restituit, cum omnibus iuribus et pertinentiis suis vniuersis, prout per Moys Palatinum, Patrem suum obtentae fuerant et possessae. Nos itaque vnicuique Regni nostri Nobilium, in suo iure deesse nolentes, praedictas terras et villas eidem Magistro Moys reliquimus et permisimus, cum suis attinentiis vniuersis possidendas; ordinationem per Dominam Elisabeth reginam, socrum nostram charissimam, factam, priuilegiumque ipsius, super huiusmodi restitutione terrarum, seu villarum confectum, authoritate praesentium confirmantes. In cuius rei testimonium, perpetuamque firmitatem, praesentes concessimus litteras, duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus Ven[erabilis] Patris Domini Philippi Episcopi Vaciensis, aulae nostrae Cancellarii, fidelis nostri. Anno Domini Millesimo, ducentesimo, septuagesimo sexto.
Historical context:
The queen confirms the restitution of lands to the palatine Mojs, which had been seized by queen Maria after the death of his father and restored by queen Elizabeth, Isabel’s mother-in-law. See letter of Elizabeth of the Cumans, 5.2.58-60, 26259.html.
Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 5.2.372-74. Also in Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 109-110, #169.