A donation of recompense
Isabella/Elizabeth of AnjouReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will see the present writing, greetings in the true Savior. Extraordinary virtue of loyalty indefatigable asks and requires that it enjoy and rejoice in the claims of remuneration, since while the faithful meet the boundaries of their vow, others taught by their example are more frequently encouraged to exercising acts of loyalty wherever. Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of these: that we reviewing the different kinds of services of master Gregory, our faithful, namely son of Nicholas, which would be too long to narrate now, but especially that the master Gregory in the conflict which lord Ladislaus, illustrious king of Hungary, our dearest consort had against the treachery of the Cumans, committing himself to the course of fortune, fought manfully and left many of those Cumans wounded with grave wounds there before the eyes of that consort of ours; and in different places received mortal wounds himself out of suitable loyalty to the crown; from which later, by the care of doctors, he was freed at his own great expense. Finally also since in various missions of our highness, committed by us to him, he served faithfully and devotedly; though what we do now is small, and he would be worthy of far greater, as he deserves. In some recompense of all the tasks, we have given donated and conferred on that master Gregory a certain reginal land of ours called Kalinčiakovo (Wosyan) at which people of our cart-drawers and butchers reside; under the ancient boundaries with all their uses, having consulted with our barons; also on Dyonisius, Myke and Ladislaus his brothers; and through them to their heirs and successors of those heirs, to be possessed irrevocably, perpetually and peacefully. Therefore so that this donation of ours remain safe always and irrevocable, and cannot by the course of time, be overturned by any accusation of evil peple; we have granted the present letters, strengthened by the protection of our double seal. Dated by the hand of the venerable father P., by the grace of God bishop of Veszprém, our faithful chancellor of our court. In the thousand two hundred eighty fourth year of the Lord.
Original letter:
Elisabeth, Dei gracia, regina Vngarie, Omnibus Christi fidelibus, presens scriptum inspecturis, salutem in vero Saluatore. Eximia virtus indefesse fidelitatis merito postulat et requirit, quod remuneracionis prerogatiua gaudeat et fruatur; quoniam dum fideles sui voti metas nanciscuntur, alii eorum exemplo edocti, ad fidelitatis opera vbique exercenda, frequencius accinguntur. Proinde ad vniuersorum noticiam harum serie volumus peruenire: quod nos diuersa seruiciorum genera, magistri Gregorii, fidelis nostri, filii videlicet Nycolai, que ad presens seriatim longum est enarrare, recensentes, precipue tamen, quia idem Magister Gregorius in conflictu, quem Dominus Ladizlaus, illustris Rex Vngariae, karissimus consors noster, habuit contra perfidiam Cumanorum, se casui fortune committendo, viriliter pugnauerit, et multos ex eisdem Cumanis coram oculis eiusdem consortis nostri, graui vulnere inibi reliquerit sauciatos; et in diuersis locis pro fidelitate chorone regie debita, mortifera vulnera ad se recepisset; de quibus postmodum, per curam medicorum, cum suis propriis expensis magnis fuisset liberatus. Demum eciam, quia nostre excellenciae in variis legacionibus, per nos sibi commissis, seruiuit fideliter et deuote; licet modicum sit, que ad presens agimus, et longe maioribus dignus habeatur, vt meretur. In aliqualem recompensationem omnium prescriptorum, quamdam terram nostram reginalem Wosyan vocatam, super qua populi curriferorum nostrorum, et Buchariorum resident; sub antiquis metis, cum omnibus vtilitatibus eiusdem, habita deliberatione Baronum nostrorum, dedimus, donauimus et contulimus eidem magistro Gregorio; item Dyonisio, Myke, et Ladislao, fratribus eiusdem; ac per ipsos eorum heredibus, heredumque suorum successoribus, irreuocabiliter, perpetuo et quiete possidendam. Vt igitur ipsa donacio salua semper et irreuocabilis persistat, nec eciam aliquo vnquam temporum processu possit per aliquorum malignorum suggestionem irritari; presentes concessimus litteras, dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus venerabilis Patris P. dei gracia, episcopi Vesprimiensis, aule nostre Cancellarii, fidelis nostri. Anno Domini Millesimo, ducentesimo, octuageimo quarto.
Historical context:
In recompense for his services, to herself and the king, in which he was severely wounded, the queen gives land to master Gregory and his brothers.
Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 5.3.215-16.