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A response


The chapter of Fejér/Alba


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou

Translated letter:

To her lady highness Elizabeth by the grace of God illustrious queen of Hungary, the chapter of the church of Fejér/Alba [sends] proper and devoted prayers.  We received with suitable honor the letters of your highness in these words:  Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to her faithful, the chapter of Alba, greetings and grace.  Since Count Peter and master Cosmas of our wagon-drivers, and Gregory, our faithful youths asked us to give them a certain reginal land of ours, of our herald/criers, called  Büssü, in the territory of Somogy and Tolna counties, we order your loyalty commanding that you send one of yours as witness in the presence of our tavarnok Paul going to said land who would walk it with with those who shared boundaries and neighbors present, and establish for count Peter and master Cosmas and Gregory, our said youths, if it is not opposed; if there should be objecters, he would summon them to our presence at an appropriate time.  And after this you would faithfully write back the quality and quantity and the course of the boundaries of that land.  Dated at Fejér/Alba on the eve of St. Andrew the Apostle. We therefore wishing to satisfy your highness’s command, as we are held to do, sent our faithful man with your said man on that business; indeed when your man and ours later came back to us they said that your man in the presence of our man [surveyed] said land of your heralds/criers, Büssü, as it was possible to see it, except forty measures of land and one hayfield, and the place of a mill on which it was opposed by the people of the nuns of the island of the Blessed Virgin from the village of Kosuk in the name of their right, which they claimed sufficient to six ploughings; having made the walk with with those who shared boundaries present, without prejudice to our right and that of the church of St. Nicholas, it was established for said count Peter, master Cosmas, and Gregory, with no objection.  But excepting the right of Pons, son of Ivoch, for everything remaining. 

Original letter:

Excellentissime Domine sue, E. Dei gracia, illustri regine Hungarie, Albensis Ecclesie capitulum oraciones in Domino debitas et deuotas.  Litteras Celsitudinis Vestre honore debito recepimus in hec verba:  E. Dei gratia, regina Hungarie, fidelibus suis, Capitulo Albensi, salutem et graciam.  Cum quamdam terram nostram reginalem, populorum, videlicet Preconum nostrorum Busu vocatam, in limitacione Comitatus Symigiensis et Tolnensis existentem.  Comes Petrus, et magister Cosmas, plaustralium nostrorum, ac Gregorius, fideles iuuenes nostri a nobis petiuerunt sibi dari, mandamus fidelitati Vestre praecipiendo, quatenus mittatis vnum ex vobis pro testimonio, coram quo Paulus, Tauarnicus noster, accedendo super faciem dicte terre, reambulet eandem presentibus commetaneis omnibus et vicinis, ac statuat comiti Petro et magistro Cosme, ac Gregorio, iuuenibus nostris supradictis, si non fuerit contradictum; contradictores autem, si qui fuerint, ad nostram citet presenciam ad terminum competentem.  Et post hoc qualitatem et quantitatem, ac cursus metarum ipsius terre fideliter rescribatis.  Datum Albe in vigilia Beati Andree Apostoli.  Nos igitur vestre Celsitudinis mandato satisfacere cupientes, vt tenemur, fidelem hominem nostrum cum predicto homine vestro, super ipso negocio transmisimus; qui quidem homo vester et noster ad nos postmodum reuersi, dixerunt, quod idem homo vester in presencia dicti hominis nostri, predictam terram Busu, preconum vestorum, quam sicut visu considerari potuit, exceptis quadraginta iugeribus terre, et vno foeneto, ac loco molendini, super quibus per populos Sanctimonialium de insula Beate Virginis de villa Kosuk nomine sui iuris fuit contradictum, ad sex aratra sufficere retulerunt; facta reambulatione praesentibus commetaneis, sine nostri, et ecclesie beati Nicolay iuris preiudicio statuit Comiti Petro, magistro Cosme, et Gregorio predictis, nullo contradictore existente.  Saluo tamen iure Pons, filii Iwoch, ibidem per omnia remanente. 

Historical context:

In response to queen Isabella’s injunction that they investigate the boundaries and claims of land she wants to give to men in her service, the chapter of Fejér (Alba) sends their report to her, incorporating her lettter of commission.  A tavarnok is a financial officer.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 5.3.217-18 
