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A donation


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth, by the grace of God queen of Hungary, to all the faithful in Christ who will have notice of the presents, greetings in the bestower of salvation.  We wish to make it manifest to the notice of all by the contents of these:  that the venerable father Lord Lodomerius, by divine mercy archbishop of the holy church of Esztergom, and perpetual count/ispán of that place, asked that a certain reginal land called Bled in the county/ispánate of Camarum, which he said was empty and destitute of inhabitants, be given to him by us, rather in his person to the church of Adalbert the Martyr.  Truly since it is pious and suitable to salvation to provide for ecclesiastical persons and the churches of God, especially since that lord archbishop from the young age of childhood of the lord our king and in our times, performed many works of loyalty in carrying out various missions of our said lord and of our whole kingdom for us, faithfully and devotedly, wishing to meet him with some reward of remunieration, though it may be little and the least we do for the moment and we intend to provide greater and stronger with special grace,  we gave, donated, and conferred and handed over to be possessed with perpetual right peacefully and irrevocably, on that lord archbishop in in his person on the church of the blessed martyr Adalbert, said land of Bled with all its uses and appurtenances, namely arable land, hayfield, reed bed and meadow, and with other conditions, sufficient to the use of ten ploughings, vacant and altogether destitute of inhabitants and with all those who shared boundaries and neighbors of that land present and no objections apparent, peacefully through our man based on the testimony of the master of the convent of the house of the hospital of St. Regis of Esztergom, as stated more clearly through their letters directed to us.  The boundaries of that land, as we found agreed in the letters of the convent are distinguished in this way:  the first boundary begins from a certain water, from a stone namely of the land Puta, and there it is near or contiguous to Pocha, land of the jobbágyok of the castle of Camarum; from there eastward it turns to the mountain called Poklancas; again it goes to the south, over a grassy road to the land called Nostan where there are three boundaries;  from there it goes to the land of the village Berabuch, where there are two boundaries; and moving from here there are also certain boundaries; again it goes to the west over a large road, to the land called Feud; there are two boundaries; and it moves to a certain river called Bongud; thence crossing that river, it goes over said large road to a certain church constructed in honor of the blessed Virgin; there is a neighboring land of the count/ispán Inus and his relations; and from there that land turns back over the road eastward to the first boundary at the land namely of count/ispán John, son of Peter, and his relations, and so the said land Bled ends and finishes.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing, we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father lord Philip, bishop of Veszprém, our faithful chancellor of our court.  In the year of the Lord 1284.

Original letter:

Elisabeth, Dei gratia, regina Hungariae, vniuersis Christi fidelibus praesentium notitiam habituris, salutem in salutis largitore.  Vniuersorum notitiae harum serie volumus fieri manifestum:  quod Venerabilis Pater Dominus Lodomerius, miseratione Diuina, sanctae Strigoniensis Ecclesiae Archiepiscopus, eiusdemque loci Comes perpetuus, quamdam terram reginalem Belyd vocatam, in Comitatu de Camarum, existentem, quam vacuam et habitatoribus destitutam esse dixit, a nobis sibi, quin imo potius in persona sua Ecclesiae Adalberti Martyris, petiit dari.  Verum cum pium sit, et saluti conueniens, Ecclesiasticis personis, et Dei Ecclesiis prouidere, praesertim quia idem Dominus Archiepiscopus a primaeuis pueritiae Domini nostri regis, et nostrae temporibus multa fidelitatis opera in deferendis legationibus diuersis Domini nostri praedicti totius regni nostri et nostris exercuit fideliter ac deuote; volentesque aliquali remunerationis praemio eidem occurrere, licet modicum sit et minimum, quod ad praesens agimus, et in maioribus ac potioribus eidem prouidere intendamus de gratia speciali, praefatam terram Belyd cum omnibus vtilitatibus et pertinentiis, terra videlicet arabili, foeneto, arundineto, et prato, ac aliis circumstantiis eiusdem, sufficientem vsui decem aratrorum, vacuam, et habitatoribus penitus destitutam, et praesentibus omnibus commetaneis ac vicinis eiusdem terrae, nullisque contradictoribus apparentibus pacifice per hominem nostrum sub testimonio Magistri Conuentus Domus hospitalis Sancti regis de Strigonio, sicut clarius per litteras eorum, nobis directas constitit, statutam eidem Domino Archiepiscopo, et in persona ipsius Ecclesiae Beati Adalberti Martyris, dedimus, donauimus, contulimus, et tradidimus; iure perpetuo pacifice et irreuocabiliter possidendam.  Metae autem ipsius terrae, prout in litteris eiusdem conuentus comperimus, hoc ordine distinguuntur:  Prima meta incipit ab aqua quadam, a lapide videlicet terrae Puta, et ibi est vicina, seu contigua Pocha, terra Iobbagyonum Castri de Camarum; deinde orientem versus vergit ad montem Poklancas vocatum; item vadit versus partem meridionalem, super vnam viam graminosam, ad terram Nostan vocatam; vbi sunt tres mete; deinde tendit ad terram villae Berabuch, vbi sunt duae metae; et hinc pariter eundo sunt metae quaedam; item vadit versus partem occidentalem super magnam viam, ad terram Feud dictam; vbi sunt duae metae; et tendit ad quemdam fluuium Bongud vocatum:  deinde transeundo ipsum fluuium, vadit super dictam viam magnam ad quamdam Ecclesiam in honore Beatae Virginis fabricatam; vbi est terra vicina Comitis Inus, et suorum cognatorum; et dehinc reflectitur super viam, ipsa terra versus orientem ad primam metam, ad terram scilicet Comitis Ioannis, filii Petri, et suorum cognatorum, et sic terminatur, et finitur dicta terra Belyd.  In cuius rei memoriam, perpetuamque firmitatem, praesentes concessimus litteras dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus Venerabilis Patris Domini Philippi, Episcopi Vesprimiensis, aulae nostrae Cancellarii, fidelis nostri.  Anno Domini MCCLXXXIV.

Historical context:

The queen bestows  the requested land on archbishop Lodomerius, after an investigation which determined the boundaries in detail.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44),  5.3.219-21.
