A confirmation
Isabella/Elizabeth of AnjouReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present page, greetings in the true savior. We declare to the notice of all by the content of the presents: that when a controvery or dispute arose and fanned for some time between the illustrious queen, lady Elizabeth, our mother-in-law on one side and the venerable father Timothy by the grace of God bishop of Zagreb on the other, over the possession of free villages, namely Veröce and Lipova, and the whole county/ispánate of Veröce, as much of fruits and wine as of marten-furs, fees of the markets, the ports, and other episcopal rights; finally that reverend Lady, our mother-in-law, having learned and ascertained the truth fully worthy of faith, that she held those tithes and episcopal rights unduly and to the detriment of her soul, and they pertained by prescribed right as well as custom to the jurisdiction and property of said lord bishop and the church; that lady our mother-in-law, surrendered them into the hands of the said bishop, completely and without any objection and restored them; as clearly set forth in the charter of the oft-mentioned lady, our illustrious mother-in-law, strengthened by the protection of her double seal, which that father, the lord bishop showed us, the content of which charter is thus: Elizabeth, as above [26232. html]. We therefore considering that the said surrender and restitution of all tithes and of each item, and also of other episcopal rights was just and legal and beneficially done, in as much as it is recognized to pertain to us, we praise, approve, and enforce irrevocably by the contents of the presents what that county/ispánate of Veröce has of estates and reginal courts, holding fixed, pleasing and accepted by reginal authority since we do not wish there to be any injustice to said venerable father the lord bishop of Zagreb or to his church, or grievance raised against his rights; but rather we intend, as is fitting to royal majesty, to follow up with royal munificence and favor. In memory and perpetual stability of which thing at the just request of said father and venerable bishop of Zagreb, we have granted the present letters, strengthened by the affixing and protection of our double seal. Dated by the hand of the beloved man, master Ladislaus, provost of Vác, our faithful chancellor of our court. In the year of the Lord 1284. Seventh ides of June.
Original letter:
Elisabeth, Dei gratia, regina Hungariae, vniuersis Christi fidelibus, praesentem paginam inspecturis, salutem in vero salutari. Vniuersorum notitiae praesentium tenore declaramus: quod cum controuersia, seu contentio exorta fuisset, et aliquamdiu ventilata inter illustrem reginam, Dominam Elizabeth, socrum nostram, ex parte vna; et venerabilem Patrem Timotheum Episcopum Zagrabiensem, Dei gratia, ex altera, super detentione liberarum villarum, videlicet Vereucze, et Lipoua, ac totius Comitatus de Vereucze, tam frugum, vini, quam marturinarum, tributorum fororum, portuum, ac aliorum iurium episcopalium; tandem eadem reuerenda Domina, socrus nostra, scita, et comperta a fide dignis plenius veritate, quod ipsas decimas, ac iura episcopalia, indebite, et in animae suae detrimentum detineret; et quod tam de iure praescripto, quam consuetudinario, ad ius et proprietatem praedicti Domini Episcopi et Ecclesiae pertineret; ipsa Domina socrus nostra, in manus praedicti Episcopi pure, et sine contradictione qualibet resignauit, et restituit; prout ex priuilegio saepe dictae Dominae, illustris socrus nostrae, dupplici eius sigillo roborato, quod nobis idem Pater, Dominus Episcopus exhibuit, constitit euidenter; cuius quidem priuilegii tenor est talis: Elizabeth, vt supra. --- Nos igitur praefatam resignationem et restitutionem decimarum omnium et singularum praedictarum, nec non et aliorum iurium episcopalium, iustam et legitimam, et salubriter factam considerantes, in quantum ad nos pertinere dignoscitur, cum idem Comitatus de Vereucze sit de praediis et curtibus reginalibus, ratam habentes, gratam, et acceptam, authoritate reginali laudamus, approbamus, et tenore praesentium irreuocabiliter roboramus, cum nolimus praefato venerabili Patri, Domino Episcopo Zagrabiensi, ac eius ecclesiae praeiudicium aliquod, aut grauamen in suis iuribus generari; sed potius intendamus, prout regiam decet Maiestatem, prosequi munificentia regia, et fauore. In cuius rei memoriam, et firmitatem perpetuam, praesentes ad iustam petitionem dicti Patris et Venerabilis Episcopi Zagrabiensis, concessimus litteras, dupplicis sigilli nostri appensione seu munimine roboratas. Datum per manus dilecti viri, Magistri Ladislai, praepositi Vaciensis, aulae nostrae Cancellarii, fidelis nostri. Anno Domini 1284. Septimo idus Iunii.
Historical context:
The queen confirms the agreement by which her mother-in-law, dowager queen Elizabeth, had restored the tithes of two free villages to the bishop of Zagreb. Zsoldos, The Árpáds and Their Wives, 156, notes however that by 1290, Elizabeth had reasserted her authority in Veröce.
Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 5.3.222-23.