A renewed grant
Isabella/Elizabeth of AnjouReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
We E[lizabeth] by the grace of God queen of Hungary, commending to memory signify to all to whom it is sent by the content of the presents. That master Cosmas, son of count/ispán Cosmas, of the Gutkeled kin, gave various services and many acts of loyalty to the lord our king, to us, and to the whole kingdom, mainly and particularly in Feketeholm, to lord Stephen, illustrious king of Hungary, our dearest father-in-law, when he had been put to flight by relatives; recalling the gracious services of this kind in our reginal memory, we have given, donated, and conferred and relinquished a certain land and reginal village of ours called Ragáld, in the county of Szatmár, beside the Eger, which indeed is said to have been of the land of the jobbágy of the castle of Szatmár who died without heir, and to which in the name of lady M[aria] queen of happy memory, settlers were added, with all its uses and appurtenances, to that master Cosmas and through him to his heirs and successors of those heirs, to be possessed by perpetual right peacefully and quietly, namely by that right and fullness by which he held and possessed it from the grant of the said lord king St[ephen] and his consort lady E[lizabeth], according to the contents of the letters they composed. Wishing that when the [fair copy of the] presents are brought back to us without [further] consulting us, the privileges of our letter are granted to that master Cosmas on this grant. Dated in Kuleser on the octave of the Ephiphany in the year 1282 of the Lord.
Original letter:
Nos E. Dei gratia, Regina Hungarie, memorie commendantes significamus, quibus expedi[ri] vniuersis, presencium per tenorem. Quod quia Magister Cosmas, filius Comitis Cosme, de genere Gutkeled, diuersa seruitia et multa fidelitatis opera Domino nostro Regi, nobis, totique Regno nostro impendit, maxime et specialiter in Feketeholm, Domino Stephano, illustri regi Hungarie, socero nostro charissimo, cum per parentes (?) fuerat effugatus; ipsius huiusmodi gratuita servitia in memoriam nostram reginalem reuocantes, quandam terram seu villam nostram Reginalem Ragáld vocatam, existentem in comitatu de Zothmar, sitam iuxta Eer, qui quidem terrae iobagionis castri de Zothmar, sine herede decedentis, fuisse di(?)citur, et per Dominam M. reginam felicis recordationis, nomine suo hospitis congragati ad eandem, cum omnibus vtilitatibus, pertinenciis suis vniuersis, ipsi Magistro Cosme, et per eum suis heredibus, heredumque suorum successoribus, dedimus donauimus, et contulimus ac reliquimus iure perpetuo pacifice et quiete possidendam, eo videlicet iure, et ea plenitudine, quibus ex collatione Domini regis St. predicti, et Domine E. consortis eiusdem, secundum continentiam litterarum eorumdem exinde confectarum habuit, tenuit et possedit. Volentes, quod cum presentes reportate fuerint, nobis inconsultis littere nostre priuilegiales eidem Magistro Cosme super collatione huiusmodi concedantur. Datum in Kuleser in octauis Epiphanie Domini, Anno eiusdem MCCLXXXII.
Historical context:
For services to her father-in-law king Stephen, and to the royal family, the queen renews the grant made by her mother-in-law queen Elizabeth, to Cosmas of the Gutkeled kin in 1265. See Elizabeth’s charter, Epistolae, 26282.html. Jobbágyok designated the legally free tenant population living on private estates, by the late 13th century; originally they had been high ranking royal officers, according to Attila Zsoldos, The Árpáds and Their Wives, Queenship in Early Medieval Hungary 1000-1301 (Rome: Viella, 2019), 208.
Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 6.406-07.