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A confirmation


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present page, greetings in the eternal lord.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of the presents:  that coming into our presence our settlers of Komár showed us the charter on their freedom from lord Béla illustrious king of Hungary of bright memory… our father-in-law, asking us urgently that we deign to hold that fixed and acceptable and to confirm it with our charter, whose content is thus [reference to the document of Béla IV dated 1263, under number 274].  They also showed us two public (patent) letters under the great seal and under the seal of the ring of that lord king  over the fact of the division of land of those and the settlers of Golombuk containing this:  [See letters of Béla under number 268]  And we, inclined to their just petitions, have confirmed that charter as well as those public/patent having them copied word for word in our charter.  Dated by the hand of master Gregory, loyal chancellor of our court in the year of the lord 1275.

Original letter:

Elisabeth Dei gratia Regina Hungariae omnibus Christi fidelibus praesentem paginam inspecturis, salutem in domino sempiternam.  Ad vniuersitatis vestrae notitiam tenore praesentium volumus peruenire:  quod accedentes ad nostram praesentiam hospites nostri de Kamar exhibuerunt nobis super sua libertate Priuilegium clarae memoriae Domini Belae Inclyti Regis Hungariae … soceri nostri petentes cum instantia, vt ipsum ratum et gratum habere, et nostro dignaremur priuilegio confirmare, cuius tenor talis est [sequitur Diploma Belae IV. d.a. 1263 sub Nro. CCLXXIV. recensitum]  --- Exhibuerunt etiam duas patentes litteras sub magno sigillo et sub sigillo annuli eiusdem Domini Regis super facto diuisionis terrae ipsorum et hospitum de Golombuk hunc tenorem continentes:  [Videantur litterae Belae sub Nro. CCLXVIII. occurrentes].  --- Nos itaque iustis petitionibus ipsorum inclinatae, tam ipsum priuilegium, quam etiam ipsas patentes de verbo ad verbum rescribi faciendo nostro priuilegio duximus confirmandas.  Datum per manus Magistri Gregorii aulae nostrae fidelis ----- Cancellarii An. Domini MCCLXXV.

Historical context:

The queen confirms the privilege of Béla IV granted to setters of Komár, and one on the  division of the lands of Komár and Golombuk.  She apparently included the texts of the privileges, but the edition of her document does not include them.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus Hungariae ecclesiasticus ac civilis, ed. G. Fejér (Budae, Regiae Vniversitatis Vngariae, 1829—44), 7.2.41-42, #328.
