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A report of an investigation


The church of Buda


Fenenna of Kuyavia

Translated letter:

To their most excellent lady, F[enenna] by the grace of God most illustrious queen of Hungary, the chapter of the church of Buda [sends] proper and devoted prayers in the lord.  We have received the letters of your serenity containing this:  "F[enenna] by the grace of God queen of Hungary to her faithful in the chapter of Buda, greetings and grace.  Since we have decided to confer our reginal land called Iváncsa with all its uses, namely meadows, woods, hayfields, islands, and all other appurtenances from the fullness of our grace on master Theodore, provost of the church of Alba/Fejér, vice-chancellor of the court of the illustrious king, our dearest consort, and his brothers, we send instructing your loyalty that you send a suitable man of yours under whose witness master Ugrin, our man, may walk said land, setting up new boundary-markers beside the old ones, and after this course of boundaries, you will write back to us faithfully the names of woods, islands, meadows, hayfields and all other utilities of said land.  Dated at Esztergom on the day after All Saints."  We therefore wishing to obey the commands of your serenity, as we are held to, we sent our comrade and fellow canon master Lukach with your said man, who finally coming back to us in agreement told us that they had walked the said land Iváncsa with its boundary-sharers and neighbors present, erecting new boundary-markers beside the old ones, [and] assigned it to the prudent man master Theodore provost of the church of Alba/Fejér, vice-chancellor of the court of the illustrious king our dearest consort, and his brothers, with noone opposing it.  Of which land they defined the boundaries thus:  that on the north there are two land boundaries/markers towards the land of Georgij and Inata; from there it goes eastward crossing the Danube to an island called Ivanchzytethe where there are two markers; from there it goes to Geresfuen; thence it goes to the King’s Danube; from there to Fasfuen; thence it  goes westward towards the land of Matthew, son of Parozth and crosses the Danube beneath a certain woodland (fuk) where there are two markers; thence it proceeds by markers to the land of Michael, Chibok; from there it procedes north towards a great road to said land of Georgij and Inata, where there are two markers and there the boundaries of said land end.  Dated on the eve of St. Katherine the Virgin.

Original letter:

F. Dei gracia Regina Vngarie fidelibus suis Capitulo Budensi salutem et graciam.  Cum nos terram nostram reginalem Iwanch uocatam cum omnibus suis utilitatibus, pratis scilicet, siluis, fenetis, insulis, et omnibus alijs attinencijs suis de plenitudine nostre gracie Magistro Theodoro Albensis Ecclesie Preposito, aule Illustris Regis, karissimi consortis nostri Vicecancellario et fratribus suis duxerimus conferendam; fidelitati vestre precipiendo mandamus, quatenus mittatis hominem vestrum ydoneum, sub cuius testimonio Magister Vgrinus homo noster reambulet predictam terram, erigendo iuxta ueteres metas nouas constituat, et post hec cursum metarum, nomina siluarum, insularum, pratorum, fenetorum et omnium aliarum utilitatem predicte terre nobis fideliter rescribatis.  Datum Sytrigonij in crastino Omnium Sanctorum.

Nos igitur mandatis uestre Serenitatis obedire cupientes, ut tenemur, cum dicto homine uestro Magistrum Lukachium socium et concanonicum nostrum misimus pro testimonio; qui demum ad nos redeuntes nobis concorditer retulerunt, quod predictam terram Iuanch presentibus commetanneis suis et uicinis reambulassent, iuxta ueteres metas nouas erigendo, constituissent discreto viro Magistro Theodoro Preposito Ecclesie Albensis, aule Illustris Regis karissimi consortis nostri Uicecancellario et fratribus eiusdem, nemine contradictore existente.  Cuius quidem terre metas taliter distinxerunt; quod a parte septemtrionali circa terram Georgij et Inata sunt due mete terree; deinde uadit uersus partem orientalem transiendo Danubium ad insulam Iuanchzytethe uocatam, ubi sunt due mete; deinde progreditur ad Geresfuen; inde uero uadit ad Danubium Regis; deinde uadit ad Fasfuen; inde procedit circa terram Mathey filij Parozth ad occidentem, et transit Danubium subtus quoddam fuk, et sunt ibi due mete; deinde metatim procedendo uadit ad terram Chibok Michaelis; inde uero procedit uersus septemtrionem circa magnam uiam ad predictam terram Georgij et Inatha, et ibi sunt due mete, et ibi terminantur mete terre supradicte.  Datum in vigilia Sancte Katherine Virginis.

Historical context:

The chapter responds to the queen's request that they investigate the boundaries of land she wishes to grant.  For her letter about the grant and the request see Epistolae 26289.html.

Printed source:

Codex diplomaticus Arpadianus continuatus.  Árpádkori új okmánytár.  V.I-XII, ed. G. Wenzel (Pest-Budapest, 1860-1874),  10.37-40, #29.
