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A letter of confirmation


Fenenna of Kuyavia



Translated letter:

Fenenna by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ present as well as future to whom the presents will be shown, greetings in the provider of salvation.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by the contents of these.  That Cosmas, master of our chamber, together with his brothers Luke and Benedict coming into out presence showed us the charter/privilege of lady Elisabeth [Isabella], consort of lord Ladislaus, king, asking us urgently that we deign to confirm that charter by our letters.  Of which this is the content.  (Elisabeth 199).  We therefore having weighed and considered the services and loyalties of said master Cosmas, Luke and Benedict, recognizing the granting of that lady queen on them to have been just and deserved, we just like that lady queen Elisabeth [Isabella] conferred said land of the town Onár from now as then, on the named master Cosmas and his brothers and their heirs and successors of those heirs, to be possessed from the fullness of our grace in perpetuity, confirming their charter by our present letters.  In memory and fuller stability  of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father lord Benedict by the grace of god bishop of Veszprém.  In the 1291st year of the lord.

Original letter:

(F)enenna dei gracia Regina Hungarie, vniuersis Christi fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris quibus presentes hostenduntur, salutem in actore salutis.  Ad vniuersorum noticiam harum serie uolumus peruenire.  Quod Cosmas magister Camere nostre una cum Lukach et Benedicto fratribus suis ad nostram accedens presenciam, exhibuit nobis priuilegium domine Elisabeth consortis domini Ladizlai Regis, petens a nobis cum instancia, ut ipsum priuilegium nostris dignaremur litteris confirmare.  Cuius quidem tenor talis est.  Elisabeth (l. fontebb 199 sz.a) Nos igitur pensatis et consideratis seruicys et fidelitatibus predictorum magistri Cosme Lukach et Benedicti collacionem ipsius domine Regine eis factam iustam et meritoriam cognoscentes, dictam terram ville Wynar, nos prout ipsa domina Elisabeth, Regina ex nunc ut ex tunc contulimus, prenominatis magistro Cosme et fratribus suis, ac eorum heredibus heredumque suorum successoribus, possidendam perpetuo de plenitudine nostre gracie priuilegium eorum nostris presentibus litteris confirmando.  In  cuius rei memoriam plenioremque firmitatem presentes concessimus litteras duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus venerabilis patris domini Benedicti (igy) dei gracia episcopi Wesprimiensis Anno domini Mo CCo nonagesimo primo.

Historical context:

The queen confirms a charter of Isabella, granting Onár in Tolna county to Cosmas and his brothers.  Isabella’s letter is not cited in the text.  Zsoldos, The Árpáds 120, mentions it and notes the charter,  Hazai okmánytárCodex diplomaticus patrius, v.1-8, eds. I. Nagy, I. Paur, K. Ráth, D. Véghely (Györ-Budapest, 1865-1891), 6.276-77.

Printed source:

Hazai okmánytárCodex diplomaticus patrius, v.1-8, eds. I. Nagy, I. Paur, K. Ráth, D. Véghely (Györ-Budapest, 1865-1891), 6.377-78.
