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A restoration of land


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of Hungary. To all the faithful of Christ present and future who will look at the present page greetings in the saviour of all.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by these contents.  What Andrew Baach and Stephen, sons of Avye, nobles of Gyalán coming  into our presence took care to indicate to us.  That when formerly the people of the reginal criers/heralds of the town of Büssü violently held the hereditary land called Gyalán at the time of the illustrious queen lady Maria of notable memory by her authority as they said and afterwards when that same lady queen Maria had died (was exempt from human matters), [nobles of] that same land Gyalán came  to them again as their heredity, now the people of Büssü had that land Gyalán walked in a general survey of reginal lands in the name of reginal territory and also asking [the petition of the nobles] to be hindered by our majesty urgently that we would deign to preserve them in their rights.  We therefore on whom by the office undertaken of our rule/control it is incumbent to preserve each in his rights, since we agree through  the noble county of Tolna that said land Gyalán was and is the hereditary land of their nobles; and in no way should it pertain to the land and people of our criers of Büssü, we have declared to be restored, given back and possessed in perpetuity that land Gyalán, on the east land of Gylian son of Chepan of Gulla, on the north the said town of Büssü, on the west land of the church of Dymisiens called Urs, on the south land of Corrard son of Albeus  as it is said to be contiguous and neighboring, to the aforementioned Andrew, Baach and Stephen and their heirs as their inheritance under the boundaries and ancient distinctions of limits in which it was known to have been held and possessed by their predecessors.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the venerable father Thomas by the grace of god bishop of Vác chancellor of our court and our faithful count/ispán of Pilis.  In the 1282nd year of the lord.

Original letter:

Elisabeth dei gracia Regina Hungarie.  Omnibus xpi fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris presentem paginam inspecturis salutem in omnium saluatore.  Ad vniuersorum noticiam harum serie volumus peruenire.  Quod Andreas Baach et Stephanus fily Auye nobiles de Gyalan ad nostram accedentes presenciam nobis significare curauerunt.  Quod cum olim populis preconum Reginalium de villa Busu, terram eorum hereditariam Gyalam uocatam tempore inclite recordacionis domine Marie Illustris Regine Hungarie auctoritate eiusdem ut dicebant potencialiter tenuissent et postmodum eadem domina Maria Regina rebus humanis exempta, ipsa terra Gyalan ad eos extitisset iterato tanquam ipsorum hereditaria deuoluta, nunc ydem populi de Busu in generali reambulacione terrarum Reginalium nomine terre Reginalis eandem terram Gyalan reambulari fecerint seu eciam impediri petentes a nostra maiestate cum instancia ut ipsos dignaremur in suis iuribus conseruare.  Nos igitur quibus ex officio suscepti Regiminis nostri incumbit vnumquemque in suis iuribus conseruare, quia constitit nobis per nobiles comitatus Tolnensis predictam terram Gyalan fuisse et esse hereditariam terram nobilium eorundem; et in nullo ad terram et populos preconum nostrorum de Busu debere pertinere, eandem terram Gyalan, a parte orientis terre Gyliani fily Chepani de Gulla, a parte aquilonis ville Busu prefate a parte occidentis terre ecclesie Dymisiensis Vrs uocate a parte meridionali terre Corrardy fily Albeus ut dicitur contiguam et uicinam, prenotatis Andree, Baach et Stephano ac heredibus eorundem, tanquam ipsorum hereditariam restituendam duximus et reddendam ac perpetuo possidendam sub eisdem metis et antiquis terminorum distinccionibus in quibus per predecessores eorundem olim habita fuisse nosscitur et possessa.  In cuius rei memoriam et perpetuam firmitatem presentes concessimus litteras dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.  Datum per manus venerabilis patris Thome dei gracia Episcopi Waciensis aule nostre Cancellary et comitis de Plys fidelis nostri.  Anno domini MoCCo Octuagesimo secundo.

Historical context:

The queen restores lands usurped by order of queen Mary, whose criers from Büssü had violently occupied the inherited lands of nobles of Gyalán, cf. Attila Zsoldos, The Árpáds and Their Wives, 42.

Printed source:

Hazai okmánytár.  Codex diplomaticus patrius, v.1-8, eds. I. Nagy, I. Paur K. Ráth, D. Véghely, Györ-Budapest, 6.281-82, #203.
