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A letter of confirmation


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present letters greetings in the saviour of all.  The height of reginal benevolence ought not unworthily to listen favorably to the just requests of the faithful, especially of those for whom the deserved favors of services intercede.  Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all present and future by the content of these, that when, with the grace and favor of the lord king Ladislaus our dearest son and with the consent of all his barons, the  rule of the province of Szepes fell into our hands and we sent our faithful Dominic master of our tavarnics [chamberlains] to walk and measure the lands of Szepes, who coming back to us told us among other things that he found that a certain land of two ploughings and a little more next to the land of Heydurnyh on the east was Guebelin of Leucha’s, which land since we learned said master Guebelin had peacefully possessed it from the conferring of lord king Béla our father-in-law of pious memory, with his just requests and worthy loyalties and services reviewed, we gave and conferred on that master Guebelin and his heirs and successors of his heirs, rather we left it as conferred some time ago to be possessed perpetually.  The boundaries of which land, as was made clear to us by said master Dominic are distinguished in this manner:  the first boundary begins from the east beside the land of said Heydurryh, from there it goes westward next to the boundaries of the land of Nadast, where there is a water-pit/ditch beyond a meadow and there is an earthen marker, from there it crosses a great road which leads to Olozy, from there it goes higher in a rise (berch), from which it descends into a valley where there is an earthen marker and there it shares a boundary with the land of the town of Doman, from there it goes beside a road which leads from the town of Doman into a suburb of the castle besides which is a marker, from there northward within a berry-patch (horost) is an earthen boundary which separates [it] from the land of the town of Gurgou, and from there it goes back eastward to the earlier boundary.  And from this land, as contained in the charter of that lord king Béla, he is held to serve.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing, we have granted the present letters, strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of Gregory, provost of Sow, faithful chancellor of our court in the 1280th year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Elyzabeth Dei gratia regina Hungarie omnibus Christi fidelibus presentes litteras inspecturis salutem in omnium salvatore. Reginalis benignitatis sublimitas iustas petitiones fidelium debet non immerito exaudire, eorum precipue, pro quibus gratuita merita servitiorum intercedunt. Proinde ad universorum presentium futurorumque notitiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod cum de gratia et favore domini regis Ladyzlai filii nostri karissimi et omnium baronum suorum consensu dominium provincie Scypus ad nostras manus fuisset devolutum, et fidelem nostrum Dominicum magistrum tarnicorum [!] nostrorum ad reambulandas et mensurandas terras in Scypus misissemus, idem ad nos rediens retulit nobis inter cetera, quod apud magistrum Guebelinum de Leucha quandam terre duorum aratrorum et paulo plus iuxta terram Heydurnyh a parte orientis existentem invenisset, quam quidem terram, quia ex collatione domini Bele regis, soceri nostri pie memorie predictum magistrum Guebelinum pacifice possedisse comperimus, pro petitionibus eiusdem iustis et condignis inspectis fidelitatibus et servitiis suis ipsi magistro Guebelino et suis heredibus heredumque suorum successoribus dedimus et contulimus, ymo iam dudum collatam reliquimus perpetuo possidendam. Cuius quidem terre mete, prout per predictum magistrum Dominicum nobis constitit, hoc ordine distinguntur: prima meta incipit ab oriente iuxta terram predicti Heydurryh, deinde iuxta metas terre Nadast tendit inferius versus occidentem, ubi supra quoddam pratum est puteus et est ibi meta terrea, deinde transit magnam viam, que ducit in Olozy, deinde tendit superius in berch, ab inde descendit in vallem, ubi est meta terrea, et ibi commetatur terre ville Doman, deinde tendit iuxta viam, que de villa Doman ducit in suburbium castri, iuxta quam est meta, deinde a parte septemtrionali inter horost est meta terrea, que separat a terra ville Gurgou, et inde rediit versus orientem ad priorem metam. Et de hac quidem terra, prout in privilegio ipsius domini Bele regis continetur, servire teneatur. In cuius rei memoriam firmitatemque perpetuam presentes eidem concessimus litteras duplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus Gregorii prepositi de Sow, aule nostre cancellarii fidelis nostri anno Domini Mo CCo octoagesimo [!].

Historical context:

This charter records one result of the investigation of property rights in Szepes instigated by the queen at the request of her son the king, after the destructions caused by the rebellion of Roland.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana, ed. E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest 2008), 84-85, #122.
