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A letter of confirmation


Elizabeth of the Cumans



Translated letter:

E[lizabeth] by the grace of God senior queen of Hungary, duchess of Macsó and Bosnia to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present writing, greetings in the savior of all.  We wish to bring to the notice of all by the content of these that Palan and Rykolf, noble counts/ispáns of Szepes, coming into our presence showed us the charter of the illustrious king of Hungary Ladislaus our dearest son which was composed on the conferring of certain of his towns called Forkosfoluva and Pokoy and asked us with urgency that we deign to hold that charter valid and confirm it with our charter.  The content of which charter is this:  [RA 2901, Ladislaus 1278, October 10].  So  we looking at and considering the petitions and desires of said counts confirm said charter of that dearest son of ours, which was not erased, not cancelled, not corrupted in any part, we have inserted it into the present word for word with the support of our charters.  Rather for the many loyalties and merits of the services of counts Palan and Rykolf, which they gave tirelessly in different [ways] to the king our dearest son, we gave, donated and conferred said towns called Forkosfoluva and Pokoy with all their uses and appurtenances, removing all things from the jurisdiction and power of the counts of Szepes established at the time within these boundaries and limits, by which they were possessed by said possessors of those limited towns and under that liberty which nobles in said county/ispánate of Szepes enjoyed, [we gave] to those counts Palan and Rykolf and through them to their heirs and successors of their heirs in the future, to be possessed by perpetual right and irrevocably.  Wishing that all contrary letters and instruments on the matter of said towns which have been presented against those counts Palan and Rykolf be held worthless and void.  In memory and perpetual stability of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hands of the prudent man master Luke provost of the holy church of Esztergom, faithful chancellor of our court in the 1280th year of the Lord.

Original letter:

E. [= Elisabeth] Dei gratia regina Hungarie ducissa de Machou et de Bozna omnibus Christi fidelibus presentem paginam inspecturis salutem in omnium salvatore. Ad universorum notitiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod Palan et Rykolfus comites nobiles de Zepus ad nostram accedentes presentiam exhibuerunt nobis privilegium Ladyzlai illustris regis Hungarie fili [!] nostri karissimi super collacione quarundam villarum suarum Forkosfoluva et Pokoy vocatarum confectum petentes nos cum instantia, ut idem privilegium ratum habere et nostro dignaremur privilegio confirmare. Cuius quidem privilegii tenor talis est: (Következik IV. László király 1278. okt. 10-i — hamis — oklevele, lásd RA 2901. sz.) Nos itaque attendentes et considerantes petitiones et vota Palan et Rykolfi comitum predictorum dictum privilegium eiusdem karissimi fili [!] nostri non rasum, non rasum [!], non cancellatum, nec in aliqua sui parte viciatum de verbo ad verbum presentibus insertum nostrorum privilegiorum patrocinio confirmamus. Ymo pro multiplicibus fidelitatibus et serviciorum meritis eorundem comitis Palan et Rykolfi, que in diversis regi karissimo fili nostri [!] inpenderunt indefesse, dictas villas Forkosfoluva et Pokoy vocatas cum omnibus utilitatibus et pertinentiis earundem a iurisdictione seu potestate comitum de Scepus pro tempore constitutorum per omnia exhimendo sub hysdem [!] metis et terminis, quibus per predictos possessores suos eedem ville limitate extiterant et possesse et sub eadem libertate, qua nobiles in predicto comitatu Scypusiensi existentes gratulantur, eisdem Palan et Rykolfo comitibus ac per eos suis heredibus heredumque suorum in posterum successoribus dedimus, donavimus et contulimus iure perpetuo et irrevocabiliter possidendas. Volentes, quod omnes littere seu instrumenta super facto predictarum villarum in contrarium emenata frivola et inania habeantur cum contra eosdem comitem [!] Palan et Rykolfum fuerint presentata. In cuius rei memoriam firmitatemque perpetuam presentes concessimus litteras sigilli nostri duplicis munimine roboratas. Datum per manus discreti viri magistri Luce sancte Strigoniensis ecclesie prepositi, aule nostre cancellarii fidelis nostri anno Domini Mo CCo octagesimo [!]. 

Historical context:

The queen confirms a charter of her son, king Ladislaus, to counts of Szepes for their services, conferring the towns he gave in perpetuity and invalidating any charters to the contrary.  She includes his charter in hers, but the text is not included in the edition.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadiana, ed. E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest 2008), 90-91, #132.
