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A grant of land


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou


Chapter of Alba

Translated letter:

E[lizabeth] by the grace of God queen of Hungary to her faithful in the chapter of Alba (Fehérvár) greetings and grace.  The venerable father Thomas, bishop of Vác, our faithful chancellor of our court, coming respectfully into our presence asked for himself and his brothers namely Christopher, count/ispán, John and Stephen, that we give and confer certain lands and reginal towns of ours called Véte in the county/ispánate of Somogy, on which conditionary reginal tavarnics are said to reside.  Truly since the full truth of the quality and quantity of those lands is not known to us, we command your fidelity, ordering that you send one of your people worthy of faith under whose witness master Lawrence son of Chepan, our man, chancellor of our stewards, may walk the noted lands called Véte under the old and ancient boundaries/markers with all boundary-sharers and neighbors present and establish them to that bishop of Vác and his said brothers, if it were not opposed; with the opposers, if there are any, called to our presence and afterwards you faithfully write to us back the quality and quantity of those lands and the purport of the whole matter.  Dated at Buda, on the octave of the nativity of the Glorious Virgin.

Original letter:

E. [= Elisabeth] Dei gratia regina Hungarie fidelibus suis capitulo Albensi salutem et gratiam. Venerabilis pater Thomas episcopus Waciensis aule nostre cancellarius fidelis noster ad nostram accedens reverenter presentiam sibi et fratribus suis Cristoforo scilicet, comiti Johanni et Stephano petivit a nobis dari et conferri quasdam terras seu villas nostras reginales Weyteh vocatas in comitatu Symigiensi existentes, super quibus conditionales tavarnici reginales dicuntur residere. Verum cum nobis de qualitate et quantitate terrarum earundem ad plenum veritas non constet, mandamus fidelitati vestre precipiendo, quatenus mittatis unum ex vobis fidedignum, sub cuius testimonio magister Laurentius filius Chepani cancellarius dapiferorum nostrorum homo noster reambulet prenotatas terras Weyteh nuncupatas sub metis veteribus et antiquis presentibus commetaneis omnibus et vicinis ac statuat easdem ipsi episcopo Waciensi et fratribus suis memoratis, si non fuerit contradictum, contradictoribus, si qui fuerint, ad nostram presentiam evocatis, et post hec qualitatem et quantitatem terrarum earundem ac totius facti seriem nobis fideliter rescribatis. Datum Bude, octavis nativitatis Virginis Gloriose. 

Historical context:

The queen grants certain lands to the bishop of Vác and his brothers, at his request, once the boundaries are investigated and any claims settled.   A tavarnik/tavarnok is a financial officer.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 129, #204.


1283, September 15