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A return of land


Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou



Translated letter:

Elizabeth by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all who will look at the present letters greetings/salvation in the bestower of salvation.  As right demands and would be known [to be] agreeable to reason, that what is granted or conferred, by the intervention of just causes and legitimate titles, ought to remain solid and firm/stable, particularly when something is handed over or given as the right and property of the mostly holy mother church which renews the faithful in Christ from pious devotion.  Therefore we wish to bring to the notice of all by the content of the presents that when our status in relation to  the illustrous prince our dearest consort lord Ladislaus III [sic] illustrious king of Hungary was amended through the mercy of God and after the assembly of the kingdom of Hungary held at Fuen (Fonó) in the county/ispanáte of Somogy, [and I] personally taking on the reginal lands that had been unduly and excessively occupied, we had them walked through and recalled and brought back to reginal right, we found our reginal church Veszprém, whose bishops in place at the time anoint and crown the queens of Hungary and we acknowledged that we received the reginal diadem from the hand of the venerable father lord Paul formerly bishop of that church, we found that the land of the reginal butlers (bochariorum et pincernarum) in the territory of the great town of Berény (228), the whole land of the carters/wagoners and butlers from the territory of the great town Berény in the county/ispanáte of Somogy near Sumberen (Sombor?), was possessed and handed over and conferred by us on that church of Veszprém, justly and legitimately and reasonably from ancient time by the content of our charter, and recalling and bringing back into our memory that when not by our excessive deserts but by the wicked suggestion of our enemies we were unworthily enclosed in the jail of the prison at the church of the Blessed Virgin on the island of Buda by that lord Ladislaus, we received infinite benefits and gifts on the part of that church of Veszprém in the bestowing and offering of temporal goods at the time of our necessity, [so] renewing and approving our first donation to that church, that land of Berény together with its all uses and appurtenances namely vineyards and other of their benefits accepted in worthy and deserved recompense, as contained in our charter, namely for the use and ownership of the provost and his chapter we determined by the patronage of the present writing that it be strengthened and confirmed equally, mixed with other lands of that church situated in that territory of Berény with all the reginal people contriving to move from that land Berény, imposing perpetual silence by the authority of the presents on the issue.  So that the content of this confirmation of ours may obtain the force of perpetual stability, and can not be withdrawn by any one, we have had recorded the present letters with the affixing of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the prudent man master Paul, cantor of the church of Buda, our faithful chancellor of our court, in the 1289th year of the Lord.

Original letter:

Elisabetha Dei gratia regina Hungarie universis presentes litteras inspecturis salutem in largitore salutis. Ius postulat et consentaneum fore dignoscitur rationi, ut quod cuiquam ex iustis causis et titulis legitimis intervenientibus conceditur vel confertur, id solidum vel firmum debeat permanere, maxime cum aliquid in ius et proprietatem sacrosancte matris ecclesie, que regenerat fideles in Christo ex pia devotione traditur aut donatur. Proinde ad universorum notitiam tenore presentium volumus pervenire, quod cum statu nostro erga illustrem principem karissimum consortem nostrum dominum Ladizlaum IIIm inclitum regem Hungarie per Dei misericordiam in melius reformato et post congregationem regni Hungarie prehabitam circa Fuen ad comitatum Symigiensem personaliter accedentes terras reginales indebite et superflue occupatas reambulari et in ius reginale revocari et reduci fecissemus, Wesprimiensem nostram ecclesiam reginalem, cuius presules pro tempore constituti reginas Hungarie inungunt et coronant, et nos reginale dyadema de manu venerabilis patris domini Pauli quondam episcopi eiusdem ecclesie recognoscimus recepisse, invenimus [228. sz.:] terram bochariorum et pyncernarum [229. sz.:] totalem terram curriferorum, reginalium de territorio magne ville buchariorum nostrorum ac Beren pincernarum de territorio magne ville Beren de comitatu Symigiensi circa Sumberen constitutam, et eidem ecclesie Wesprimiensi per nos traditam et collatam ex tenore nostri privilegii iuste et legitime ac rationabiliter ab antiquo tempore possedisse, reducentesque et in nostri memoriam ex animo revocantes, ut non nostris excessibus promerentibus, sed ex suggestione emulorum nostrorum iniqua nobis apud ecclesiam Beate Virginis de insula Budensi per eundem dominum Ladizlaumc in ergastulo carceris conclusis indigne ex parte eiusdem ecclesie Wesprimiensis in largitione et oblatione bonorum temporalium tempore necessitatis nostre beneficia et donativa receperimus infinita, ipsam terram de Beren simul cum suis utilitatibus et pertinentiis universis [229. sz.:] vineis scilicet et aliis ipsorum beneficiorum acceptorum in recompensationem meritoriam et condignam, sicut in nostro privilegio continetur, eidem ecclesie, scilicet ad usum et proprietatem prepositi et capituli ipsius primam donationem nostram de eadem factam innovantes et approbantes denuo duximus presentis scripti patrocinio roborandam et pariter confirmandam, mixtim cum aliis terris eiusdem ecclesie in eodem territorio de Beren constitutis, omnibus populis reginalibus de eadem terra Beren movere machinantibus questionem auctoritate presentium perpetuum silentium inponentes. Ut igitur huius nostre confirmationis series robur optineat perpetue firmitatis, nec possit per quempiam hominum retractari, presentes litteras sigilli nostri appensione duplicis dari fecimus communitas. Datum per manus discreti viri magistri Pauli cantoris Budensis ecclesie, aule nostre vicecancellarii fidelis nostri anno Domini Mo CCo octoagesimo nono.

Historical context:

After she is released from prison and restored to her reginal authority, the queen returns land to the church of Veszprem which she had originally conferred on them that had been unjustly taken from them.   She owes special gratitude to that church.  Zsoldos, The Árpáds, 71, notes that the duty of wagoners of the butlers, curriferi buchariorum, was probably to provide for the transport of wine.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 144-45, #228.


1289, June