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A confirmation


Agnes of Austria



Translated letter:

Agnes, by the grace of God queen of Hungary to all the faithful of Christ who will look at the present letters, greetings in the savior of all.  We wish to bring to the notice of all, present and future, by the content of these presents that the prudent (discretus) man master Peter, cantor of the church of Veszprém, in his name and that of the chapter of his church, coming into our presence showed us a charter of lady Fenenna formerly renowned queen of Hungary consort/spouse of lord Andrew by the grace of God illustrious king of Hungary our dearest consort, confirming charters of lady Elizabeth/Isabella formerly most serene queen of Hungary widow namely of lord Ladislaus king of bright memory composed about the conferring of a certain reginal land called Berény asking us with urgency that we deign to approve, ratify and confirm that charter by our charter with reginal benevolence.  The content of which charter is this (Fenenna, 1291, 260/259).  We therefore favorably inclined to the just and legitimate requests of that master Peter, cantor of the church of Veszprém and his beneficial intention,  determined to confirm the said charter of lady queen Fenenna which is not in doubt, not abolished, not erased nor cancelled, not spoiled in any part, inserted word for word in the presents at the advice and consent of the venerable lords fathers, J[ohn] by the grace of God archbishop of Kalocsa and Emeric bishop of Oradea (Várad) and all our barons, by the authority of the presents, leaving said land Berény, namely of the butlers, as well as wagoners, our wine-growers to that church of Veszprém to be possessed in perpetuity in the former manner, to be held and had equally as we also promised at the time of our coronation to that church of Veszprém, that we are held in the manner of other queens to make special provision in possessions.  In testimony and stability of which thing we have granted the present letters strengthened by the protection of our double seal.  Dated by the hand of the prudent man master Paul provost of Colocensis, faithful vicechancellor of our court, in the 1300th year of the Lord, tenth kalends of November.


Original letter:

Agnes Dei gratia regina Hungarie omnibus Christi fidelibus presentes litteras inspecturis salutem in omnium salvatore. Ad universorum tam presentium, quam futurorum notitiam harum serie volumus pervenire, quod discretus vir magister Petrus cantor ecclesie Wesprimiensis suo et capituli eiusdem ecclesie nomine ad nostram accedens presentiam exhibuit nobis privilegium domine Fenenne, quondam inclite regine Hungarie, consortis domini Andree Dei gratia illustris regis Hungarie, consortis nostri karissimi confirmans privilegia domine Elysabeth, quondam serenissime regine Hungarie, relicte videlicet domini Ladizlai regis clare recordationis confecta super collatione cuiusdam terre reginalis Beren vocate petens a nobis cum instantia, ut ipsum privilegium approbare, ratificare et nostro dignaremur de benignitate reginali privilegio confirmare. Cuius quidem privilegii tenor talis est: (Következik Fenenna királyné 1291. évi oklevele, lásd 260. sz.) Nos igitur iustis ac legittimis petitionibus eiusdem magistri Petri cantoris ecclesie Wesprimiensis favorabiliter inclinati prefatum privilegium domine Fenenne regine non suspectum, non abolitum, non abrasum, non cancellatum nec in aliqua sui parte vitiatum de verbo ad verbum presentibus insertum de consilio et consensu venerabilium patrum dominorum J. [= Johannis] Dei gratia archiepiscopi Colocensis et Emerici episcopi Waradiensis ac omnium baronum nostrorum auctoritate presentium duximus confirmandum, predictam terram Beren, videlicet tam pincernarum, quam curriferorum, bochariorum nostrorum relinquentes eidem ecclesie nostre Wesprimiensi modo prehabito perpetuo possidendam, tenendam pariter et habendam cum etiam promiserimus tempore coronationis nostre eidem ecclesie Wesprimiensi, ut tenemur, more aliarum reginarum provisionem facere in possessionibus specialem. In cuius rei testimonium et perpetuam firmitatem presentes concessimus litteras dupplicis sigilli nostri munimine roboratas. Datum per manus discreti viri magistri Pauli prepositi Colocensis, vicecancellarii nostri fidelis anno Domini Mo trecentesimo, decimo Kalendas Novembris.

Historical context:

At the request of the cantor and chapter of Veszprém, the queen confirms the charter of her predecessor, queen Fenenna granting them the land of her butlers at Berény.  The previous charter was cited in this confirmation, but is not included in the edition.  It is presumably Epistolae 26295.html.

Printed source:

Az Árpád-házi hercegek, hercegnök és a királnék okleveleinek kritikai jegyzéke, Regesta ducum, ducissarum stirpis Arpadianae necnon reginarum Hungariae critico-diplomatica, E. Szentpétery, A. Zsoldos (Budapest, 2008), 174-75, #280.


1300, October 23