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Approval of a donation


Agafia Sviatoslavna of Rus
Boleslaw V, duke of Sandomierz



Translated letter:

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen.  Since the world is fallen and is changed daily by different events, it is therefore necessary that legal actions are in need of [a recorded] memory to be transmitted through the contents of writing for the knowledge of those in the future.  Therefoe I Boleslaw by the grace of God duke of Sandomierz with my mother wish it to be known to all present and future that the venerable father Fulco by divine providence archbishop of the church of Gniezno conferred the town/village of Kepino, located between Rozprza and Milejów which he had exchanged with his first-cousin on his father’s side Peter and his son Mironesio for another village called Kwilina, on those present and agreeing of the [Cistercian] house of Sulejów for the remedy of his soul to be possessed by hereditary right for eternity.  Enacted in Przedborz in discussion between me and my mother with our barons on one side, and celebrated in the year of grace 1238, also present were many whose names are:  lord Wislaw, bishop of Cracow, Pacoslaw palatine of Sandomierz, Mstivuy palatine of Leczyca (Lancicia), Pacoslaw castellan of Vislicia, Jacob castellan of Sandomierz, Thomas castellan of Leczyca, Sdislaw castellan of Malogoszcz, Michael butler, Nicholas judge, Bronisius, Prandota provost of Kielce, Peter under-chamberlain, Falibosius chamberlain of the lord archbishop, lord Volimir archdeacon of Ruda.  Dated by the hand of Janusius, chancellor of the lord archbishop.  That it may have the strength of perpetual stability as solemnly done, I had the present page strengthened by my and others’ seals.


Original letter:

In nomine Domini nostri Ihesu Christi amen.  Quoniam mundus caducus est et diversis cottidie casibus variatur, idcirco necesse est acciones legitimas que memoria indigent, per scripti continenciam in noticiam transmitti posterorum.  Eapropter ego Boleslavus Dei gracia dux Zandomirie cum matre mea universis presentibus et posteris notum esse volo, quod venerabilis pater Fulco divina providencia Gneznensis ecclesie archiepiscopus villam Campino inter Rospram et Mileyow sitam, quam a fratre suo patruele comite Petro et filio suo Mironesio pro alia villa Quilitia nomine recambserat, eisdem eciam presentibus et consencientibus Domui de Zuleyow pro remedio anime sue contulit iure hereditario in eternum possidendam.  Actum in Predbor in colloquio inter me et matrem meam cum baronibus nostris ex una parte, et celebrato anno gracie M.CC.XXX.VIIII, presentibus eciam quam pluribus eorum nomina sunt hec:  dominus Wislavus episcopus Cracoviensis, Pacoslaus palatinus Zandomirie, Mstivuy palatinus Lancicie, Pacoslaus castellanus Vislicie, Iachobus castellanus Zandomirie, Tomas castellanus Lancicie, Sdislaus castellanus de Malogost, Michael pincerna, Nicholaus iudex, Bronisius, Prandota prepositus Kilciensis, Petrus subcamerarius, Falibosius domini archiepiscopi camerarius, dominus Volimirus archidiaconus de Ruda.  Datum per manum Ianusii, domini archiepiscopi cancellarii.  Ut autem tam sollempne factum perpetue firmitatis robur obtineat, presentem paginam meo nec non et aliorum sigillis feci roborari.


Historical context:

Together with her eldest son, Bolesław, Agafia agrees to Archbishop Fulco of Gniezno’s donation of the village of Kępino to the Cistercian monastery in Sulejów.  I am grateful to Talia Zajac for alerting me to this letter.


Printed source:

Ignacy  Zakrzewski, ed., Kodeks Dyplomatyczny Wielkopolski / Codex Diplomaticus Majoris Polonia, vol. 1: 984-1287. (Poznań: Nakładem Biblioteki Kórnickiej, 1877), 186-87,  no. 221.


1239, July 9