Confirmation of an exchange
Boleslaw V, duke of SandomierzGremislava of Lutsk
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of the Holy and Individual Trinity, amen. Therefore, let every church rejoice strengthened in her own right by boundaries of peace. We Bolesław, son of Leszek by divine providence duke of Sandomierz together with our mother, lady Gremislava, with the agreement of the chapter of the church of Sandomierz and by the will of the brothers of the monastery of Wąchock make such an exchange between themselves, namely: that the church of Sandomierz should have part of the estate of Nicholas / Mikołaj son of Hugo, which lies next to the same city, while the monastery of Wąchock for its part should receive according to hereditary right possession of a certain portion which the church of Sandomierz used to have in Ostrów next to the rock.
The present persons whose names are here both as actors [and] as witnesses were in attendance at this exchange: Martin, abbot of the aforementioned monastery, Matthew the deacon, Jaskor the provost of the church of Sandomierz, Salomon the scholar, Peter the cantor, canons John [and] Florian, Benedict the sub-chamberlain, Hartmann the doctor, the vicars Bartholomew, Matthew, Gabriel, John, Baldwin.
And on the same day the said Nicholas / Mikołaj testified publicly that he accepted six marks of pure silver from the aforementioned abbot with the monastery of Wąchock and with the same witnesses for his donation and sale.
Done in the year of the Lord 1243. These things were done in Sandomierz on the vigil of [the feast] of Blessed Benedict the Abbot [20 March with the feast day on 21 March].
Original letter:
In nomine sanctae et indiuidue trinitatis amen. Igitur suo iure queque gaudeat ecclesia pacis limitibus communita. Nos boleslaus filius lestconis diuina prouidentia dux Sudomiriensis cum matre nostra domina Grimislaua consensu capituli Sudomiriensis ecclesie et de uoluntate fratrum claustri de Wanchozk talem inter eos fecimus permutacionem uidelicet quod ecclesia Sudomiriensis partem uille Nicholai filii Ugonis haberet que iacet iuxta ipsam ciuitatem clastrum uero de wanchosk pro ipsa parte quandam porcionem quam sudomiriensis ecclesia in Ostrou habebat iuxta lapidem iure hereditario possidendam susciperet. Huius permutacionis presentes affuerunt quorum ista sunt nomina tam actores quam testes. Martinus abbas claustri prefatis, Matheus decanuus, Iascocel prepositus Suodmiriensis ecclesie, Salomon scholasticus, Petrus cantor, Iohannes, Florianus canonici, Benedictus subcancelarius, Hartmannus fisicus, Bartholomeus, Matheus, Gabrihel, Iohannes, Baldiunus vicarii. Et ipso die dictus Nicholaus prostestatus est claustro de Wanchozk suam donacionem et vendicionem et sub eisdem testibus a prefato abbate sex marcas puri argenti accepit. Actum Anno Domini MCCXLIII, Facta sunt ista in sudomiria in vigilia beati Benedicti abbatis.
Historical context:
Co-issuer with son Bolesław V. Together with her son, Gremislava confirms exchange of land between Cistercians of Wąchock, and the collegiate church of Sandomierz (The Cistercian monastery in Wąchock gave part of the village of Mikołaj, son of Hugo, to the Sandomierz collegiate church, and in return received part of the village of Ostrów.)
The text and translation were provided by Talia Zajac, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the John Rylands Research Institute and Library.
Printed source:
First edition in Zygmunt Wdowiszewski, “Nieznane dyplomy średniowieczne do dziejów opactwa Cystersów w Wąchocku.” Archeion: Czasopismo naukowe poświecone sprawom archiwalnym, 16 (1938-1939): 39-46 at 43-44. Open access: [last access 25 May 2026].
Revised edition: Stanisław Kuraś and and Irena Sułkowska-Kuraś, eds., Zbiór dokumentów małopolskich. Część 4: Dokumenty z lat 1211-1400 (Wrocław/Warszawa/Kraków: Zakład Narodowy Imienia Ossolińskich/Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1969), no. 875, pp. 9-10.
NB: The revised edition inexplicably abbreviates ‘sanctae’, which is expanded in the charter, Wdowiszewski, “Nieznane dyplomy”, p. 44.