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A letter from Gregory I, pope (June 22, 601)


Gregory I, pope


Brunhild, queen of Austrasia and Burgundy

Translated letter:

Gregory to Brunhild queen of the Franks

We give thanks to almighty God who, among other gifts of his piety which he bestowed on your excellence, filled you so with love of the christian religion that you do not cease to do with devout mind and pious zeal whatever you know pertains to the gain of souls and the propagation of the faith. With how much favor, how much help, your excellence supported our most reverend brother and cobishop Augustine on his way to the Angles, fame did not cover with silence before and afterwards certain monks who came back from him to us subtlely reported. And indeed some are amazed at your christianity, to whom your benefits up to now are less known, but to us, who have already experienced them, it is cause not for wonder but for rejoicing that you help yourself in what you do for others. What miracles and how many our redeemer worked in the conversion of the abovementioned nation, is already known to your excellence. From which it is fitting that you have great happiness since the comforts of your offerings claim a greater party in this thing by whose help after God the word of that preaching was heard there. For who does good to another does it to himself. But so that there be ever greater and richer fruit of your mercy, we ask that you benignly minister the protection of your patronage to the monks, bearers of the presents, whom we have sent with our beloved sons the priest Lawrence and the abbot Mellitus to our said most reverend brother because he said that those who are with him are not sufficient, and that you deign to so support them in all things that to the good beginnings of your excellence better may follow and no delays or difficulties be found there, and you invoke the mercy of our God towards you and your grandsons cherished by us, as you show yourself merciful in this way for love of him.

Given on the tenth kalends of July, 4th indiction.

Original letter:

Gregorius Brunigildae reginae Francorum.

Gratias omnipotenti Deo referimus, qui inter cetera pietatis suae dona, quae excellentiae vestrae largitus est, ita vos amore christinae religionis implevit, ut, quicquid ad animarum lucrum, quicquid ad propagationem fidei pertinere cognoscitis, devota mente et pio operari studio non cessetis. Quanto autem favore quantaque opitulatione excellentia vestra reverentissimum fratrem et coepiscopum nostrum Augustinum proficiscentem ad Anglorum gentem adiuverit, nec ante silentio fama conticuit et postea quidam ab eo ad nos monachi redeuntes suptiliter retulerunt. Et quidem haec de christianitate vestra mirentur alii, quibus beneficia vestra adhuc minus sunt cognita; nam nobis, quibus experimentis iam nota sunt, non mirandum est, sed gaudendum, quia per hoc quod aliis impenditis vos iuvatis. Qualia igitur quantaque in conversione suprascriptae gentis redemptor noster fuerit operatus miracula, excellentiae vestrae iam notum est. Ex qua re magnum vos oportet habere laetitiam, quia maiorem sibi partem hac in re praestitorum vestrorum solacia vindicant, cuius post Deum auxiliis verbum illic praedicationis innotuit. Nam qui alterius bonum adiuvat, suum facit. Sed ut mercedis vestrae magis magisque sit fructus uberior, petimus, ut monachis praesentium portitoribus, quos cum dilectissimis filiis nostris Laurentio presbytero et Mellito abbate ad praedictum reverentissimum fratrem nostrum pro eo, quod illos qui secum sunt sufficere sibi dicit non posse, transmisimus, patrocinii vestri sufragia benignius ministretis atque ita eis in omnibus adesse digneminir, quatenus, dum bonis excellentiae vestrae initiis meliora successerint et nullas illic moras vel difficultates invenerint, tanto erga vos et dulcissimos nobis nepotes vestros Dei nostri misericordiam provocetis, quanto pro eius vos amore in huius modi causis misericorditer exhibetis.

Data die X. — kalendarum Iuliarum indictione IIII.

Historical context:

Gregory thanks Brunhild for the help she gave bishop Augustine on his mission to the Angles and asks further help for a new contingent he is sending there.

Printed source:

MGH, Gregorii Pape Registrum Epistolarum, ep.11.48, 2.320-21, HGF4 ep.33 p.31-32


June 22, 601