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A letter from Henry III (01/04/1243)


Henry III


Sanchia of Provence

Translated letter:

Grant to Senchia wife of R[ichard] earl of Cornwall, the king's brother, that in case of his death, while she and his heirs by her survive, she shall have the custody of all the lands which the said earl has appointed to the use of the said heirs, during their minority; but in case of her death during such minority, the custody of the said lands shall revert to the king.

Historical context:

The king grants his brother's wife custody of his brother's lands, should he die, during the minority of their children. The text is summarized in English.

Printed source:

Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, v.3 1232-47 (London: Mackie and Co., 1908), 3.414, gives only English.

