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A letter from Henry III (01/04/1243)


Henry III


Sanchia of Provence

Translated letter:

Confirmation of the dower wherewith the earl dowered the said Senchia at the door of the church of Westminster when he married her, to wit, of a third part of all his lands which he possesses or which he may possess, with the castle and manor of Berchamsted for the capital messuage of her dower.

Historical context:

The king confirms the dower arrangements between his brother and Sanchia. The text is summarized in English. Almost two years later (1244, Dec.1), the king made an agreement with his brother in which Richard quit-claimed all his lands in the British Isles and in Gascony to the king, in return for which the king grants that he or his heirs will grant to him and Senchia his wife and the heirs of their bodies land to the value of 500 pounds a year of escheats that may fall in in England. And this as soon as the said escheats that may fall in England. ... and if the earl have no children by her, to hold for their lives, with reversion on the death of either. And in the meantime they shall have 1000 marks a year at the Exchequer of London, the proportion of the said escheats to be deducted therefrom as they receive them, to wit, ... (Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 3.437). The summary isgiven only in English.

Printed source:

Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, Henry III, v.3 1232-47 (London: Mackie and Co., 1908), 3.414, gives only English.

