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A letter from Marie, duchess of Burgundy (1/1/1163)


Marie of Champagne, duchess of Burgundy


Louis VII, King of France

Translated letter:

To Louis, by the grace of God most excellent king of the French, her most beloved lord, M[arie], duchess of Burgundy, greetings and owed obedience. It is known to your majesty that my son is your man and liege and, may it please you, your relative and whatever he can do is yours; and if he could do more it would be yours. Therefore, with more assurance I ask your highest love for my son. For I have been told that Count Ralph of Perona has a certain unmarried sister who, as I am told, would be suitable for marriage to my son. Therefore, most beloved lord, I and he ask that you give attention to this and speak with the count of Soissons and decide how this matrimony may be arranged/contracted. You should know that my son could take a wife in another kingdom, but I much prefer him to marry within your kingdom. The closer he will be to you, the more he will be yours, and the advantage will be entirely yours.

Original letter:

Ludovico, Dei gratia excellentissimo Regi Francorum, dilectissimo domino suo, M. Ducissa Burgundiae, salutem et debitam obsequium. Notum est majestati vestrae, quod filius meus homo vester est legius, et, si placet, vester consanguineus, et quicquid ipse potest, vestrum est; et si magis posset, vestrum esset. Ideoque vestram summam dilectionem securius rogo pro filio meo. Dictum est enim mihi quod Comes Radulphus de Perona quamdam sororem habet nubilem, quae, ut mihi dictum est et suis, habilis esset filio meo nuptui. Eapropter, dilectissime domine, ego et ipse rogamus ut super hoc ipsi provideatis, et cum Comite Suessionensi inde loquamini, et tractetis quomodo hoc matrimonium contrahatur. Sciatis, cum in alio regno filius meus uxorem habere posset, ego multo magis volo eum in vestro regno uxorem docere quam in alio. Quanto magis vos appropinquabit, tanto magis vester erit, et incrementum omnino vestrum erit.

Historical context:

Marie asks the king to arrange a marriage for her son Hugh with the sister of Ralph, count of Vermandois.

Printed source:

HGF16 ep.213, p.67-8, which dates it 1163

