A letter from Beatrice of Savoy (1264/65)
Beatrice of SavoyReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of the holy and indivisible trinity, amen. I, Beatrice, widow of lord Raymond of Berengar, count of Provence, of renowned memory, being in healthy mind and good memory, wishing to make my last disposition, dispose of my things in this way. First I wish and order that the will I had drawn up at Amiens and written in a charter sealed with my seal and the seals of lady Marguerite, queen of France, and lady Eleanor, queen of the English, my daughters, and the reverend father in Christ lord Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury and the illustrious lord Peter, count of Savoy, my brothers, and lord Lambert, abbot of Hautecombe, lord Guido of Geneva, subdeacon of Chartres, lord Stephen, archdeacon of Canterbury, and master Peter of Altona, official of Canterbury, [the will] and its contents be observed, kept and implemented inviolably, notwithstanding any omission of legal formalities, and I confirm it. Also I choose my burial-place in the hospital which I constructed at les Echelles, and the remaining bequests inscribed below and those contained in said will drawn up at Amiens and my debts which I owe I order to be repaid within three months from the day of my death, if it can be done appropriately/conveniently. Also and in the same way within said term, I order my claims to be settled simply and without the stress of lawyers. Also to lord Peter count of Savoy my brother, I bequeath 2000 Vienne L, including the 100 M which I left him in the will I made at Amiens for the defense of his land the county of Savoy. Also to lord Philip [archbishop]elect of Lyons my brother, 2000 VL for the defense of his land and the county of Savoy. Also to lady Agnes, countess of Savoy and lady of Faucigny, 100 VL. Also to lady M [C], widowed countess of lord Amadeus, count of Savoy, 100 VL.(1) Also to the Contesson her daughter 500 VL. Also to lady Beatrice [of Faucigny], widowed countess of lord Thomas of Savoy, 100 VL. Also to her daughter Eleanor 500 Tours L beyond the 500 TL left to her in the will I made at Amiens, so they are 1000 TL. Also to the Contesson, lady of Medoc/Meuillon [Medullionis], my niece, 100 VL. Also to lady Marguerite, mother of the marquis [William] of Monferrato, my nephew, 100 VL.(2) Also to lord Ralph, archbishop of Tarentaise 100 VL. Also to lord A. bishop of Digne, my relative, 100 VL. Also to lord Peter, bishop of Hereford, 50 VL. Also to the convent of Cluny 100 M of good and legal sterling from which the income should be spent annually for my anniversary [to be celebrated] perpetually in the monastery and I want said money to be paid when the revenues especially intended for this have been clearly and manifestly acquired and bought. Also to Petrino of San Cassino, my fosterson, 100 M of good and legal sterling, and I want them to be kept by Aymon Cathena for the use of said Petrino as soon as it seems best to Aymon and I do not wish, I expressly prohibit and forbid that his father have, demand or be able to demand said money for/by himself or another. Also to Sanchia of Dorcha, I bequeath 25 Tours L. To her daughter towards her marriage, 50 TL. To lady Marguerite of Urieres 50 TL. To the lady Prima 25 TL. To Aloyse of Sayselles 25 TL. To lord Stephen of Aix, knight, 20 TL. To lady Eyglina his wife 100 TS. To lord Eymar of Vado, knight, 100 TS. To Restan, my chaplain, 60 TL. To Raymond, my chaplain, 30 TL. To William of St. Valère, my clerk, 40 TL. To master Pons of Rumilly, my clerk 15 TL. To Thomas of Pierrechâtel, my clerk, 25 TL. To Peter of Chamos 5 TL. ... to Peter Vayron 25 TL of which he has had 20 ... to Jacehuet of Virinnius my messenger/groom 60 S ... to Jaquemet of Vif, once my falconer [? alerario] 6 L. To Umberto, stable boy, 30 S. ... To Peter of Champanniac, once my butler, 100s.... To Albigniac once my door-keeper 60 S, to Jeannot, kitchen boy 30 S, to Peysonnet, pig-keeper/swineherd, 30 S, ... to Poncet muletier 50 S, ... to Julian, gardener, 10 S with his lodging, to Audisia, once servant of my lady mother, 100 S ... to the mother of squire Guigonet 40 S, to the wife of lord Jacob of Bahua, knight, 60 S, ... To Marguerite, daughter of former lord P. of Chavelut, knight 15 L. ... To lady Ambroise of Loyssiac 20 L to marry her firstborn daughter. I also bequeath to the abbey of Hautecombe 60 VL, to the abbey of St. Sulpice 40 VL ... to the abbey of Montanaea in Geneva 50 VL to construct stone cloisters around the abbey and I want the abbot of Hautecombe to keep said money until it is spent for said cloisters. Also to the nuns of ... Also to the penitent ladies of Lyons, 10 VL. ... To the monastery of St. André 10 VL to procure an anniversary [service] there annually in perpetuity and I want Aymon Cathena to acquire said money or have it acquired for the aforesaid anniversary as swiftly as it can comfortably be found. Also to the nuns of St. Columba of Vienne, 20 TL of which I want 10 L put into the buildings of their houses and the rest for my anniversary and I want Aymon Catena to acquire or have it acquired as swiftly as is comfortable. ... To the Franciscans of Chambéry 10 VL ... to the Dominicans of Lyons 10 VL ... To the hospital of Montchat 100 VS ... To work on the Rhône bridge of Seyssel, 10 VL ... To construct desired bridges over the smaller waters in the territory of Les Echelles, to improve the road from the entrance of Leschallion to the town of Couz 20 VL, ... To the poor of the almshouse of St. Anthony, 100 VS. ... To poor virgins for marrying, through my executors, 60 VL. To all the priests who took part at my burial 10 VS. And I wish and order that of the 1000 TL which I left in my will made at Amiens, from which I ordered 300 TL to be distributed by my executors in the province for pious causes, and my claims to be settled from the remaining 700 L and the rest distributed in pious causes through said executors where it seems most useful. I bequeath to the house of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem of Aix in Provence 100 M of good and legal sterlings from which revenues are to be bought to establish and keep two hospitaller brothers-priests in said place beyond the number there, which priests will celebrate divine offices in perpetuity for the soul of lord Raymond, count of Provence of renowned memory, formerly my husband, and serve the lord piously. Also to the almshouse of Aix which I founded at my own expense 40 TL, and to the abbey of Silvecane where a certain son of mine lies, 40 TL. To the lady nuns of Haute-Seille where another son lies, 40 TL. To the nuns of St. Pons, ... To the work of the Dominicans of Sisteron, 25 TL, to the Franciscans of Sisteron, 10 VL. To the hospital of Pont du Var in the diocese of Nice, 50 TL as reparation for the harm done by my people and if the rectors of said place can prove more, it should be fully restored by my executors. To lord Fulk of Vimmeles, knight 10 TL. To Beatrice of Sestaron, once my servant, 20 TL. I wish and order that the rest of the said 100 TL be distributed by my executors in settling my claims and in pious causes. I give and bequeath to the almshouse which I intend to build at Les Echelles 2000 VL beyond the 3000 TL which I left to it in my will made at Amiens from which 2000 VL I want 1000 spent on the buildings of said house and the other 1000 L with the 3000 TL bequeathed in my will made at Amiens put to acquiring possessions for the work of said house from which revenues and fruits there be a general gift or distribution in perpetuity three times a week for all the poor who gather there for this reason and to each of the poor as much bread be given as s/he can sustain. In said almshouse 20 beds be kept provisioned to receive the poor. I want and order that if the exchange between the priory of St. Mary of Les Echelles and the house of Beaulieu is not effected, the money given for said exchange or in another way be put to buying possessions elsewhere for the work of said almshouse and that that almshouse be constructed in the town of Les Echelles with the counsel of the prior of the hospitaller house of les Echelles and be ruled by them. I want and order that Aymon Cathena of Vienne, my servant, keep the money from which the purchases and the aforesaid buildings are to be made until possessions and revenues are for sale and the aforesaid buildings constructed and then he should pay according as it is necessary to build the buildings and acquire the possessions and rents. I wish and order that the money which I bequeathed in my will made at Amiens to the daughters of Ralph of Geneva, [and] Henry of Geneva, the lady Contesson of Medoc/Meuillon [Medullionis] and the lady of Chambre be placed in the treasury of Hautecombe in deposit and kept there until whichever of the said daughters is married, and if one or both should not marry, I want and order that that bequest which I left the unmarried sister(s) devolve upon her sister or sisters or if they are not alive to their next of kin. Also I want and order that my jewels, clothes, and bedding be given to those to whom they are bequeathed by the hand of Aymon of Cathena as is fully contained in a certain letter sealed with my seal. I also wish and order that if Contesson, the daughter of former lord Amedeus count of Savoy should die unmarried or married and without children, her legacy should devolve on the hospitaller house of Les Echelles and the almshouse of said place in equal portions. I order the same about the bequest to Eleanor, daughter of the former lord Thomas count of Savoy. I make my executors the venerable fathers and lords J, archbishop of Vienne, R, archbishop of Tarentaise, Ph [archbishop]elect of Lyons, my brother, Fulk bishop of Grenoble, Lambert abbot of Hautecombe and Stephen archdeacon of Canterbury, so that the aforesaid abbot and archdeacon or either of them if only one were present, with the counsel of the aforesaid prelates who are to execute these, could execute all the aforesaid.
Whatever is contained in this charter and in my will made at Amiens, I wish to be fulfilled and observed inviolably and held and taken as my last will and I wish them to prevail by that law and means in which they might better and more firmly prevail and if they do not prevail by right of the will let them prevail by right of the codicles, and if they do not prevail according to the subtlely of civil law, let them prevails according to canonical equity.
Enacted on the nineteenth kalends of February in the 1264th year of the lord
We truly said bishops append our seals to the present writing published and recorded in witness of the truth, dated on the Thursday after the octave of the Epiphany in the 1264th year of the lord.
Original letter:
In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis amen. Ego Beatrix, relicta inclite recordationis domini Raymundi Berengarii comitis Provincie, in sana mente et bona memoria constituta, meam ultimam dispositionem facere cupiens, de rebus meis dispono in hunc modum. Primo volo et precipio quod testamentum quod ordinavi Ambiani, scriptum in quadam carta sigillata sigillo meo et sigillis domine Margarite regine Francie et domine Alyenore regine Anglorum, filiarum mearum, et reverendi in Christo patris domini Bonefacii archiepiscopi Cantuariensis et illustri viri domini Petri, comitis Sabaudie, fratrum meorum et domini Lamberti, abbatis Altecombe, domini Guidonis de Gebennis, subdecani Carnotensis, domini Stephani, archidiaconi Cantuariensis, et magistri Petri de Altona, officiarii Cantuariensis, et contenta in eodem inviolabiliter observentur et custodiantur et impleantur, non obstante si in eo aliquid de juris sollempnitatibus sit obmissum et illud confirmo. Item sepulturam meam eligo in hospitali quod construxi apud Scalas legata et relicta infrascripta et ea que in dicto testamento condito Ambiani continentur et debita mea que debeo precipio reddi et solvi infra tres menses continuos a morte mea numerandos si potest fieri comode. Item et eodem modo infra dictum terminum precipio sedari et pacificari clamores meos de plano et absque strepitu advocatorum. Item domino Petro comiti Sabaudie fratri meo, lego duo millia libras viennensium, inclusis centum marchis quas sibi relinquerum in testamento meo quod condidi Ambiani pro defensione terre sue comitatus Sabaudie. Item domino Philippo Lugdunensi electo fratri meo duo millia libras vienensium pro defensione terre sue et comitatis Sabaudie. Item domine Agneti, comitisse Sabaudie et domine Funcigniaci centum libras vienensium. Item domine M., comitisee relicte domini Amedei comitis Sabaudie centum libras viennensium. Item contesson filie sue quingentas libras vienensium. Item domine Beatrici comitisse relicte domini Thome de Sabaudia comitis centum libras vienensium. Item Alienore filie sue quingentas libras turonensium alias quingentas libras turonensium reliqui sibi in testamento meo condito apud Ambianum et sic sunt mille libras turonensium. Item contesson domine Medullione, nepti mee centum libras vienensium. Item domine Margarite, matri marchionis Montisferrati, nepti mee, centum libras vienensium. Item domino Radulpho tarentasiensi archiepiscopo 100 lib. vien. Item domino A. dienensi episcopo consanguineo meo, 100 lib. vien. Item domino Petro hereffordensi episcopo 50 lib. vien. Item conventui Cluniaci 100 marcas bonorum et legalium sterlingorum de quibus redditus adquirantur pro aniversario meo annuatim in monasterio cluniaci in perpetuum faciendo et volo quod dicta pecunia solvatur quando certum erit et manifestum quod redditus acquisiti et empti fuerint ad hoc specialiter faciendum. Item Petrino de Sancto Cassino, nutrito meo 100 marcas bonorum et legalium sterlingorum, et volo quod custodiat ipsas Aymo Cathene adponendum in utilitatem dicti Petrini prout eidem Aymoni melius videbitur expedire et nolo immo expresse prohibeo et veto quod pater eius dictam pecuniam habeat, exigat vel exigere possit per se vel per alium. Item Sanchye de Dorchia lego 25 lib. tur. Item filie sue ad maritandum ipsam 50 lib. tur. Item domine Margarite de Urieres 25 lib. tur. Item domine prime 25 lib. tur. Item Alaysie de Saysello 25 lib. tur. Item domino Stephano de Aquis, militi 20 lib. tur. Item domine Eygline uxori sue 100 sol. tur. Item domino Eymaro de Vado, militi 100 sol. tur. Item Restanno, capellano meo 60 lib. tur. Item Raymundo, capellano meo 30 lib. tur. Item Guilhelmo de Sancto Valerio, clerico meo 40 lib. tur. Item magistro Poncio de Rumilliaco, clerico meo 25 lib. tur. Item Thome de Petercastri (?) clerico meo 25 lib. tur. Item Petro de Chamos 5 lib. tur. Item Rascleto 30 l. tur. Item Arcondeto de Dorchia 25 l. t. item Guillelmo Celerarii 25 l. t. item Rascleto de Scalis 50 l. t. item Tremoleto 25 l. t. item Berengario 25 l. t. item Guillelmo de Loyssy 25 l. t. item Stephanino Coquo 15 l. t. item Guillelmo de Chaveluto 25 l. t. item Guygoni de Martel 25 l. t. item Stephanino Chabarlenco 15 l. t. item Petro Vayron 25 l. t. quarum habuit 20 l. t. item Garino Cadrigario 15 l. t. item Pellicioni 100 sol. vien. item Hugoni Boterii 100 sol. v. item Rosseto Defurno 60 sol. v. item Morello Loyrerio 6 lib. vien. item Jacehueto de Virinnius nunciario 60 sol. v. Item Gaufrido Pistori 60 sol. v. Item Torroliato 60 s. v. Item Jaquemeto de Vif quondam alerario meo 6 l. v. Item Petro de Bellicio garconi de stabulo 30 s. v. Item Humberto garconi de stabulo 30 s. v. item Blancheto garconi de stabulo 30 s. v. Item Petro de Chaponniaco quondam celerario meo 100 s. v. Item Ajmoni de Montefationis nunciario 100 s. v. Item Bruneto de Vienna, nunciario 60 s. v. item Humberto de Gab...60 s. v. item Petro Corteis quondam nunciario meo 60 s. v. item Albigniaco quondam janitori meo 60 s. v. item Johnneto garconi de quoquina 30 s. v. item Peysonneto Porcherio 30 s. v. item Aymoni Vayron de Yanna 40 s. v. item Ponceto mulaterio 50 s. v. item Willelmo Cora mulaterio 50 s. v. item Juliano, ortolano 10 s. v. cum 1ogerio suo integro item Audisie quondam famule domine matris mee 100 s. v. item Nichole de Barbue 60 s. v. item matri Guigoneti domicello 40 s. v. item uxori domini Jacobi de Bahua militis 60 s. v. item uxori Jaquemeti de Bahua domicelli 60 s. v. item Biatrici uxori Humberti de Lastigniaco 60 s. v. item uxori domini Martini de Foresta militis 60 s. v. item Raygnis quondam famule mee 60 s. v. item Marie Ponturie de Bergeto 60 s. v. item domine Guillelme de Scalis 100 l. v. Item Nicholette filie sue 100 s. v. Item Willelme de Verdans 60 s. v. Item relicte Guillelmi de Chimilliaco 40 s. v. Item Johanni de nat 100 s. v. Item Margarete filie quondam domini P. de Chaveluto militis 15 lib. v. Item Biatrici filie quondam domini Guidonis de Chaveluto militis 20 l. v. ad maritandum ipsam. Item domine Ambroysie de Loyssiaco 20 l. v. ad maritandum filiam suam primogenitam. Item lego abbacie altecombe 60 l. v. item abbacie sancti Sulpicis 40 l. v. item abbacie tamedii 20 l. v. Item abbacie bonarum vallium prope viennam 20 l. v. item domui de Chaleys 10 l. v. item abb. de Bunmont (sic) in partibus gebennarum 10 l. v. item abb. Abundancie 10 l. v. item domui de Marnant 10 l. v. item abb. Chassanie 10 l. v. item abb. de Alpibus 10 l. v. item abb. de Chaysiriaci 10 l. v. item abb. de Betonne in Sabaudia 22 (?) l. v. item abb. de Montanea in partibus gebenensis 50 l. v. pro clausuris lapideis faciendis circa abbaciam et volo quod abbas altecombe custidiat dictam pecuniam quousque expendatur in dictis clausuris. Item monialibus de bone prope bellicium 20 l. v. Item monialibus de Bleys 10 l. v. Item dominabus penitentibus de Lugduno 10 l. v. Item monialibus Sancti Petri de Lugduno 10 l. v. Item monialibus de Permens 10 l. v. Item monialibus de Buyssiaco 10 l. v. Item monialibus Sancti Pauli 10 l. v. Item monial. de Pratomolli 10 l. v. Item mon. Alteripe 10 l. v. Item mon. Boniloci 10 l. v. item mon. S. Andree vienensis 10 l. v. pro acquirendo anniversario ibidem annuatim in perpetuum faciendo et volo quod Aymo Cathene de predicta pecunia acquirat seu acquiri faciat aniversarium supradictum quam cito poterit commode invenire. Item monialibus S. Columbe viennensis 20 l. t. de quibus volo quod 10 libre ponantur in edificiis domorum ipsarum et residuum sit pro meo aniversario acquirendo et volo quod Aymo Cathene ipsum acquirat seu acquiri faciat quam cito poterit comode. Item monialibus de Clavis 10 lib. v. Item mon. Silve 10 l. v. Item mon. Belliloci 10 l. v. item abbacie S. Andree monachorum vien. 20 l. v. pro acquirendo aniversario meo ibidem in perpetuum faciendo per manum dicti Aymonis vel suorum item abbacie S. Petri forisportam vienne 20 l. v. pro acquirendo anniversario meo ibidem inperpetuum faciendo et acquiratur per manum dicti Aymonis vel suorum. Item operi S. Joannis de Bellicio 25 l. v. Item fratribus minoribus de Cambariaco 10 l. v. item fratribus minoribus de romanis 10 l. v. item frat. min. de Moyrenco 10 l. v. item frat. min. Gratianopolitan. 10 l. v. Item frat. min. de Lugduno 10 l. v. item frat. predicatoribus de Lugduno 10 l. v. item frat. minor. de Vienna 10 l. v. item frat. min. de Valencia 10 l. v. item frat. predicator. de Valencia 10 l. v. item frat. min. de Gebennis C sol. v. item frat. predic. de Gebennis 100 s. v. item frat. min. de Lausanne 100 s. v. item frat. predicat. de Lausanna 100 s. v. item domui de Cartuxia 20 l. v. item domui de Silva 10 l. v. item domui de Allione 10 l. v. item domui de Portis 10 l. v. item domui de Demayriaco 10 l. v. item domui vallis sancti Humbonis 10 l. v. item domui de Arveria 10 l. v. item domui de Sellyon 10 l. v. item domui de Seoges 10 l. v. item domui Montisbenedicti in comi atu Sabaudie 10 l. v. item domui valon. in Gebennensis partibus 10 l. v. item domui repositorii in partibus Geben. 10 l. v. item domui de Pomers in Gebennensio 10 lib. v. item domui bone fidei Anniciensis diocesis 10 l. v. Item boniloci in Lugdunensi diocesi 10 l. v. item domui de Montemerlo (?) lugdunensis diocesis 10 l. v. item hospitali Montiscati 100 s. v. item hospitali Montiscenisii 10 l. v. item hospitali de septimo 100 s. v. item hospitali de Monte jovis 10 l. v. item hospitali de Columpnajo 10 l. v. item hospitali de Aquis in Sabaudia 10 l. v. item hospitali sancti Bartholomei viennensi 10 l. v. item hospitali de Voyron 100 s. v. item hospitali de Chillion 10 l. v. item operi Pontis Rodani de Saissello 10 l. v. item operi pontis de Guermoetui (?) 100 s. v. item operi pontis sancti Martini vienensi 10 l. v. item operi Pontis Rodani lugduni 10 l. vien. item operi Pontis Rodani vienn. 10 l. v. item operi pontis Rodani valentin. 10 l. v. item operi pontis de Scalis juxta Villam 10 l. v. item operi pontis Petrecastri 20 l. v. item pro optandis pontibus et faciendis in parvis aquis in mandamento de Scalis 100 g. v. item pro aptanda [via ?] ab introitu de Leschallion usque ad villam de con 20 1. v. item calciate delpon (?) et operi pontis introitu Vienne 10 1. v. item pro aptanda via que vocatur calciata inter sanctum Genesium et Champagniacum 10 1. v. item pro aptandis riis pontibus a ponte Petre Castri usque ad Gaunam 100 s. v. Item pauperibus domus helemosine Sancti Anthoni 100 s. v. item operi ecclesie monacorum sancti Anthoni 10 l. v. item operi ecclesie de Natapio prope Petram Castri 100 s. v. item ecclesie Sancti Genesii 10 l. v. item domui dei vienen. 10 l. v. item pauperibus virginibus maritandis per executores meos 60 l. v. item omnibus sacerdotibus qui intervenerint sepulture mee cuilibet 10 s. v. item volo et precipio quod de mille libris turonensium quas reliqui in testamento meo condito Ambiani de quibus precepi trescentas libras turon. per executores meos distribui in provincia in pias causas et de residuis sepientis libris sedari clamores meos et residuum distribui in pias causas per dictos executores meos ubi eis melius videbitur expedire. Lego domui hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jherosolimitanensis de Aquis in Provincia 100 marchas bonorum et legalium sterlingorum de quibus emantur redditus ad tenendum et instituendum duos fratres hospitalarios sacerdotes in dicto loco ultra numerum qui est ibi qui sacerdotes pro anima domini Raimundi comitis Provintie inclite memorie viri mei quondam et in ea celebrent divina officia in perpetuum et pie domino famulentur. Item domui helemosine de Aquis quam fundavi propriis sumptibus 40 lib. turon, item abbatie Silvecane ubi jacet quidam filius meus 40 1. turon. item dominabus monialibus Alteselle ubi jacet alter filius meus 40 lib. turon. item monialibus Sancti Poncii 40 lib. turon ? item monialibus Sancti Simeonis in civitate marsilliensi 30 lib. tur. item operi fratrum predicatorum sistariensium 25 l. turon. item fratribus minoribus sistariensibus 10 l. vienn. item hospitali pontis de Varo Niciensis diocesis 50 l. turon. pro restitucione dampnorum illatorum a gentibus meis et si poterunt probares rectores dicti loci amplius eisdem restituatur per executores meos integre item domino Falconi de Vimmeles militi 10 l. turon. item Biatrici de Sestayron quondam famule mee 10 l. turon. item volo et precipio quod residuum dictarum mille librarum turonensium distribuatur per executores meos in sedandis clamoribus meis et in pias causas item do et lego domui helemosine quam intendo edificare apud Scalas duo millia lib. vien. ultra tria millia librarum turon. quas reliqui sibi in testamento meo condito Anibiani de quibus duobus milibus libris vien. volo quod mille libre expendantur in edificiis dicte domus et alie mille libre cum tribus milibus libris turon. legatis in testamento meo condito Ambiani ponantur in acquirendis possessionibus ad opus dicte domus de quorum proventibus et fructibus fiat generalis dona sive distribucio in perpetuum ter in singulis hebdomadis omnibus pauperibus ibidem convenientibus hac de causa et singulis pauperibus tantum de pane datur quod possit in illa die sustentari de ipso pane Item quod in dicta domo helemosine 20 lecti garniti teneantur ad pauperes recipiendos item volo et precipio quod si permutatio prioratus beate Marie de Scalis et domus Belliloci non fieret ut tractatur quod pecunia que daretur pro dicto scambio vel alio modo ponatur in emendis possessionibus alibi ad opus dicte domus helemosine et quod construatur ipsa domus helemosine in villa de Scalis et domus Belliloci non fieret ut tractatur quod pecunia que daretur pro dicto scambio vel alio modo ponatur in emendis possessionibus alibi ad opus dicte domus helemosine et quod construatur ipsa domus helemosine in villa de Scalis ad consilium prioris domus hospitalis Sancti Egidii et executorum meorum item volo et precipio quod subsit dicta domus helemosine hospitalariis domus de Scalis et per ipsos regatur item volo et precipio quod Aymo Cathene de Vienna, famulus meus, custodiat pecuniam de qua debent fieri emptiones et edificia supradicta quousque inveniantur venales possessiones et redditus et edificia predicta construantur et tunc solvat secundum quod necesse fuerit ad construendum edificia et possessiones et redditus acquirendos item volo et precipio quod pecunia quam legavi in testamento meo condito Ambiani filiabus Radulphi de Gebennis, Henrici de Gebennis contessone domine Medullionis et domine de Camera ponatur in texauraria altecombe in deposito et ibi custodiatur quousque maritetur quelibet de filiabus predictis et si aliqua vel alique non maritarentur, volo et precipio quod illud legatum quod relinqui illi vel illis que non maritarentur devolvatur ad sororem vel sorores suas vel eis tunc non extantibus ad proximiores suos item volo et precipio quod joelli mei, vestes et superlectilia tradantur illis quibus legantur per manum Aymonis Cathene predicte sicut in quadam littera sigillo meo sigillata plenius continetur, item volo et precipio quod si contessona filia quondam domini Amedei comitis Sabaudie decederet immaritata vel maritata et sine liberis ad domum hospitalis de Scalis et ad domum helemosine dicti loci equis portionibus legatum suum devolvatur item illus idem precipio de legato alienore filie quondam domini Thome de Sabaudia comitis executores meos facio venerabiles patres et dominos J. archiepiscopum viennensem R. tarentasiensem archyepiscopum, Ph. electum lugdunensem fratrem meum, Falconem gratianopolitanensem episcopum, Lambertum abbatem Altecombe et Stephanum archidiaconum Cantorberi, ita quod predicti abbas et archidiaconus vel eorum alter si tamen unus presens esset cum consilio predictorum prelatorum qui hiis exequendis volant (sic) et poterunt interesse predicta omnia exequantur. Hec que in hac carta continentur et ea que continentur in testamento meo facto Ambiani volo impleri et servari inviolabiliter et teneri et haberi pro mea ultima voluntate et volo quod valeant eo jure eoque modo in quo melius et firmius valere poterunt et si non valent jure testamenti valeant jure codicillorum et si non valent secundum juris civilis subtilitatem valeant secundum canonicam equitatem. Actum nono decimo kalendas febroarias anno domini M° CC° LX° quarto. Nos vero predicti episcopi sigilla nostra huic presenti scripture publicate et insinuate apponimus in testimonium veritatis, datum die jovis post octabam epypbanie domini anno domini M° CC° LX° quarto.Historical context:
This codicil to Beatrice's will makes a series of specific small bequests, many of them to women relatives and to retainers, male and female, and to abbeys and religious institutions, as well as for charitable works and bridge construction. In the translation pounds is abbreviated to L, marks to M and shillings to S; Tours is abbreviated to T, Vienne to V, after the first mention. When the items are simply names and sums, they are not listed in the translation, since they present no problem of comprehension in the Latin. When the items are a long series of bequests to the same kinds of institution, only the first is given.Scholarly notes:
(1)Marguerite d'Albon was the first wife of Beatrice's oldest brother, Amadeus IV, but she had died by 1244 when Amadeus married Cécile des Baux, who must be the widow intended here. Each of the wives had a daughter Beatrice, but the one known as "Contesson" was Cécile's daughter and a nun. (2)Marguerite was Beatrice's niece, a daughter of count Amadeus; her son was William VII of Monferrato, who appears in Dante's Purgatory VII, among the negligent princes, as many members of this family do.Manuscript source:
Archivi di Stato di Torino, Liasse 1 # 11.
Printed source:
Francisque Viard, Beatrice de Savoye (Lyon: L'Echo de Savoie, 1942) 147-55, document #17.