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A letter from Périssol, bailiff of Aix (1245)


Périssol, bailiff of Aix


Beatrice of Savoy

Translated letter:

In the year of the lord 1245, on the day before the ides of September, be it known to all in the present and future that I, Perissol, bailiff of the city of Aix, promise in good faith to you, lady B., countess and marchioness of Provence and countess of Forcalquier, in my name and the name of knights and upright men of the city of Aix to save, defend, and protect from every man and all men, princes, barons, or anyone else, corporations, communities, or individuals, your person and your honor and the land and revenues given or left you by lord R. Berengar, count and marquis of Provence and count of Forcalquier, of bright memory, your former husband, the county of Forcalquier and the land of Gap from the castle of Les Eschelles and generally other rents or castle and other things which you hold and possess beyond the county of Provence. And [we promise] to consult you in all matters in good faith and give you aid and not to marry your daughter B, or suffer her to be married without first seeking your advice, and unless before the future husband has said lady B. your daughter in his power, he offer surety and pledge to you by oath and good guarantors, according to what will be declared best on your part about all the aforesaid, to defend, set free, and save your life in peace, without any dispute or injury; and an oath sworn to you by ten barons of the county of Provence whom you would have chosen, who ... all or any of the forementioned, would be absolved by that oath from fidelity to the husband of your daughter and would adhere to you as vassals. All the aforesaid, together and separately, I swear for greater confirmation on the holy gospels to observe, attend to and fulfil in good faith in perpetuity and I have had my seal affixed to the present document in witness of its truth, in the aforesaid year and day.

Original letter:

Anno domini M. CC. XL quinto, pridie idus septembris Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego Perissolus, bajulus civitatis Aquensis, promitto vobis, bona fide, domine B., comitisse et marchionisse Provincie et comitisse Folqualcherii, nomine meo et nomine militum et proborum hominum civitatis Aquensis, personam vestram et honorem vestrum et terram et redditus vobis per dominum R. Berengarii, comitem et marchionem Provincie et comitem Folqualcherii, clare memorie, quondam maritum vestrum, datos seu relictos, scilicet tam comitatum Folqualcherii quam terram vapicensis bajulie, a castro Scale supra et generaliter alios redditus seu castra et res alias que et quas habetis et possidetis infra comitatum Provincie, ab omni homine et hominibus, principibus, baronibus, seu aliis quibuscumque, universitatibus, communitatibus seu singularibus personis, vobis salvare, defendere et tueri, et vobis in omnibus consulere bona fide et auxilium impertiri, et quod dominam B., filiam vestram non maritabimus, nec maritari paciemur, quin vestrum consilium primitus requiramus; et nisi, antea quam dictam dominam B. filiam vestram maritus futurus habeat in posse suo, securitate seu [satis]datione vobis per juramentum et bonos fidejussores prestita, secundum quod melius ex parte vestra dictari pote[rit de] premissis omnibus vobis in pace, sine questione vel injuria aliqua, ad vitam vestram defendendis, dimittendis [et] salvandis; et vobis facto juramento a decem baronibus comitatus Provincie, quos eligere volueritis, qui ind [... ] supradictorum omnium, vel aliquo ipsorum, ipso juro sint absoluti a fidelitate mariti filie vestre, et vobis sicut vassali adherere. Supradicta autem universa et singula ad majorem firmitatem juro super sancta evangelia bona fide [in perpetu]um observare attendere et complere; sigillumque proprium presenti carte apponi feci, in testimonium v[eritatis], anno et die predictis.

Historical context:

After the death of her husband, Beatrice was besieged, literally and figuratively, by potential suitors for her daughter Beatrice, heir to Provence. In this public letter to the countess, the bailiff of Aix swears to protect her and her lands and not allow her daughter to be married without her advice and assurances from the groom to honor her claims.

Manuscript source:

Archives départementales des Bouches-du-Rhone.

Printed source:

Francisque Viard, Beatrice de Savoye (Lyon: L'Echo de Savoie, 1942), 63-64, document #3; also in Papon, Histoire générale de Provence (Paris 1777), 2.69, and Historiae Patriae Monumenta, Chartarum (Turin, 1853), 1.455.
