A letter from Marguerite of Provence (1263)
Marguerite of Provence
Henry III
Translated letter:
Marguerite, by grace of God queen of France, to her dearest brother Henry, by that same grace illustrious king of England, greetings and affection of sincere love.
Wishing with the whole desire of our mind to know more about your state, we send to the presence of your sublimity, asking you to renew the inner parts of our heart about that state, may the hand of the Almighty not withhold its advance, and let us know if there is anything to be obtained with confidence/trust from our land. May your serenity know that prosperity smiles on our lord the king, on us, and on all our children. With the lord's generosity. Be well.
Dated St. Germain-en-Laye, Friday after Pentecost.
Original letter:
Margareta, Dei gratia Francie regina, karissimo fratri suo Henrico, Dei gratia regi Angliae illustri, salutem et sincere dilectionis affectum. De statu vestro certiorari toto mentis desiderio cupientes, ad vestre sublimitatis presenciam destinamus, vos rogantes quatinus de ipso statu, cui manus Altissimi non subtrahat incrementum, nostri cordis velitis intrinseca renovare, intimando nobis si que vobis placent de nostris finibus cum fiducia obtinendi. Noscat quidem vestra serenitas quod domino nostro regi, nobis et omnibus liberis nostris arridet prosperitas, Domino largiente. Valete. Datum Sancto-Germano-in-Laya, die veneris post Pentecostem.
Historical context:
An exchange with her brother-in-law about family health, which may well have been accompanied by more important messages delivered orally.
Printed source:
Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.146, ep.117