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A letter from Gregory VII, pope (05/1080)


Gregory VII, pope


Matilda of Flanders, duchess of Normandy, queen of England

Translated letter:

Gregory, bishop, servant of the servants of God to Matilda, queen of the English, greetings and apostolic blessing. Having read the letters of your noble-mindedness, we have understood with how faithful a mind you obey God, with how much love you cling to his faithful. We also perceive no less how your mind keeps us present in memory from the promises of your greatness by which you made clear that whatever we wished from you, if we made it known to you, we would receive without delay. You should know, dearest daughter, with what love we receive this and whatever gifts we may obtain from you. What more are gold or gems, the precious things of this world that I might expect from you, than a chaste life, the distribution of your things to the poor, the love of God and your fellows? We pray your nobility that we shall obtain these and similar gifts from you, that you love simply and wholely, that you obtain what you love and never lose what you have. With these and similar weapons arm your husband, when God gives you the opportunity, and do not cease to do so. The other things we sent [orally] charging our son, Hubert, faithful to both of us. Given at Rome, 8th Ides of May.

Original letter:

Gregorius episcopus servus servorum Dei Mathildi regine Anglorum salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Ingenuitatis vestre lectis litteris, quam fideli mente Deo oboedias, quanta dilectione fidelibus suis adhereas, intelleximus. Nos quoque quomodo mentis tue memoria presentes contineat, ex amplitudinis tue promissionibus non minus percipimus, quibus designastis, ut, quicquid de vestris vellemus, si notum vobis fieret, sine mora susciperemus. Quod filia karissima, qua suscepimus dilectione et que munera a te obtamus, sic intellegas. Quod enim aurum, que gemme, que mundi huius pretiosa mihi a te magis sunt expectanda, quam vita casta, rerum tuarum in pauperes distributio, Dei et proximi dilectio? Hec et his similia a te munera obtamus, ut integra et simplici diligas, nobilitatem tuam precamur, dilecta obtineas, habita nunquam derelinquas. His armis et aimilibus virum tuum armare, cum Deus tibi oportunitatem dederit, ne desistas. Cetera, que dimisimus, per Hubertum filium nostrum et fidelem communem mandamus. Data Rome VIII. Idus Maii, [I]ndictione III.

Historical context:

As in ep.1.71 (Caspar), Gregory responds to Matilda's letter with praise and encouragement to inspire her husband to good.

Printed source:

MGH, Epistolae Selectae, Das Register Gregors VII, ed. Erich Caspar (Berlin: Weidmann, 1920-23), ep.7.26, p.507, dated May 1080.

