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A letter from Marguerite of Provence (c.1280)


Marguerite of Provence


Edward I, king of England

Translated letter:

To the magnificent prince, our dearest nephew Edward, by the grace of God most illustrious king of England, Marguerite, by that same grace queen of France, greetings and affection of sincere love. Since the venerable lord Hugh [de] Boisset, our chaplain, whose honor and advantage we love deeply, sends his nephew John [de] Boisset, bearer of the presents, to your lands on his business, we request and ask your highness to hold said John commended in the place of our said chaplain, if it please you, for love of us, to be benign and favorable to him so he may act and advance successfully in that business, so that he may feel himself to have carried an advantage from us, and we may be prudently grateful to you. Given in the abbey of Longchamps near St. Clodoald, the day after the [feast of the] Trinity.

Original letter:

Magnifico principi, nepoti nostro karissimo Edwardo, Dei gratia regi Anglie illustrissimo, Margareta, eadem gratia Francie regina, salutem et sincere dilectionis affectum. Cum venerabilis vir dominus Hugo Boysseti, capellanus noster, cujus honorem et commodum medullitus affectamus, Johannem Boysseti nepotem suum exhibitorem presentium ad partes vestras pro suis mittat negociis, celsitudinem vestram requirimus et rogamus quatinus prefatum Johannem in persona dicti capellani nostri, si placet, recommendatum habentes, eidem in ipsis negotiis promovendis et agendis feliciter, vos velitis amore nostri reddere adeo favorabiles et benignos, quod de partibus nostris sibi senciat commodum reportasse nosque vobis provide teneamus ad grates. Datum in abbatia Longi-Campi juxta Sanctum Clodoaldum, in crastino Trinitatis.

Historical context:

The dowager queen commends the nephew of her chaplain to her nephew.

Printed source:

Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.276, ep.220

