A letter from Marguerite of Provence (c.1280)
Marguerite of ProvenceReceiver
Edward I, king of EnglandTranslated letter:
To the excellent prince, our dearest nephew Edward, by grace of God king of England, Marguerite, by that same grace queen of France, greetings and affection of sincere love. Since lord Gaston, viscount of Béarn, our blood relative and yours, subjects himself in humility to your will in every way, we ask you to act if it please you mercifully towards him, putting aside all rancor, and admit him, if it please you to your favor. For we believe that from now on he will be useful, ready, as he asserted, to show gratitude and most devoted service to you. Dated Pissiac, on the Saturday after the Epiphany of the Lord.Original letter:
Egregio principi, nepoti nostro karissimo Edwardo, Dei gratia regi Anglie, Margareta, eadem gratia Francie regina, salutem et sincere dilectionis affectum. Cum dominus Gasto, vicecomes Bearnensis, consanguineus noster et vester, se cum humilitate vestre omnino subjecerit voluntati, rogamus vos quatinus, agentes, si placet, misericorditer cum eodem, ipsum, omni rancore deposito, ad vestram gratiam, si placeat, admittatis. Credimus enim quod ipse vobis poterit imposterum fructuosus, paratus, sicut asserit, exhibere vobis gratum et devotissimum famulatum. Datum Pissiaci, die sabbati post Epiphaniam Domini.Historical context:
The dowager queen asks her nephew to pardon Gaston de Béarn, her first cousin (son of her father's sister), who had been involved in various rebellions against the royal family over the years (see Howell, 62-63, 246).Printed source:
Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.280, ep.224