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A letter from Henry III (1252, June 8)


Henry III


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

The king to Marguerite, queen of France, greetings. Your love should know that we have set our journey to the Holy Land for four years from the day of St. John the Baptist, in the year of grace 1252; and, if it pleased your lord the king of France to restore to us our lands which have been occupied by him and his predecessors, without doubt we could prepare our journey sooner, girding ourselves more powerfully for the honor of the crucified one, and the ease and honor of your lord and of all Christianity; Which you might indeed make known to him, and persuade him to make the said restitution to us, we shall therby anticipate the date of our journey without the cost of delay, and with strong hand to the perpetual increase of honor of the crucified one and of your lord. Witnessed as above {the king at Westminster, 8th day of June]

Original letter:

Rex M. Reginae Fanciae salutem. Noverit dilectio vestra quod passagium nostrum in Terram sanctam statuimus a Nativitate Sancti Johannis Baptistae, anno Gratiae millesimo ducentesimo quinquagesimo secundo in quatuor annos; et, si placeret Domino vestro Regi Franciae quod terrae nostrae, a Predecessoribus suis et ab ipso occupatae, nobis restituerentur, proculdubio maturius passagium nostrum pararemus, potenter nos accingendo ad honorem crucifixi, et domini vestri, et totius christianitatis commodum et honorem: Quod quidem et scire faciatis, ipsumque efficaciter inducatis ad praedictam restitutionem nobis faciendam, Nos enim extunc, sine morae dispendio, terminum passagii nostri anticipabimus, et manu valida ad perpetuum crucifixi et Domini vestri honoris incrementum. Teste ut supra [Rege apud Westm. octavo die Junii]

Historical context:

The king of England asks his sister-in-law to negotiate for him with her husband for a restitution of lands his [Louis's] family has occupied, so Henry can set off for the Holy Land sooner.

Printed source:

Rymer, Foedera, 3rd ed., 1.167, Also summarized in Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 1247-58 (London: Mackie, 1908), 4.158, membrane 7d.


1252, June 8