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A letter from Alphonse of Poitiers (08/1263)


Alphonse of Poitiers


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

To the most excellent and his dearest sister, Marguerite, by the grace of God illustrious queen of the French, Alphonse, son of the king of France, count of Poitiers and Toulouse, greetings and with sincere love, a will prepared to [do her] pleasure. Since you asked us by letter to aid you with our ships and boats from La Rochelle, we make known to your excellency that we do not have ships or boats of our own at La Rochelle as far as we know.

Original letter:

Excellentissime et karissime sorori sue Margarite, Dei gratia Francorum regine illustri, Alfonsus, filius regis Francie, comes Pictavie et Tholose, salutem et cum dilectione sincera paratam ad beneplacita voluntatem. Cum nos per vestras rogaveritis litteras quod vellemus vos juvare de nostris navibus et batellis de Ruppella, excellencie vestre significamus, quod nos non habemus apud Ruppellam naves nec batellos qui sint nostri, quos sciamus.

Historical context:

The queen asked her brother-in-law to make ships available to support the cause of the English king (Henry III) and queen (Eleanor, her sister), in case the peace her husband, Louis IX, was trying to arrange between them and the English barons, failed, as it would (ep.2015, 510,html). Alphonse answers that he does not have ships at La Rochelle.

Printed source:

Correspondance Administrative d'Alfonse de Poitiers, ed. Auguste Molinier (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894), Collection de Documents indédits sur l'Histoire de France, 2.542, ep.2016.

