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A letter from Henry III (10/25/1263)


Henry III


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

Notification to the queen of France that the king has appointed P. bishop of Hereford, P. de Sabaudia and J. Maunsell treasurer of York, to procure the said estimate to be made quickly; and as the king thinks that the matter will be furthered by her mediation, he requests her to use her influence with her lord, as the said proctors will explain. The like to the countess of Provence. 5.295 1263, Oct.28: On Sunday the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude there were handed to John de Kam, yeoman of Edward the king's son, elven pairs of letters to take beyond seas, to wit, one patent of 1000L. wherein the king is bound to the duke of Brunneswic, two letters procuratorial, and eight letters close, to wit, to the queen of England, the queen of France, the countess of Provence, Edmund the king's son, P.bishop of Hereford, P. count of Savoy, John Mansell, and Master H. de Gandavo.

Historical context:

Henry asks his sister-in-law to mediate in obtaining a timely estimate of the value of jewels he has sent. This entry is preceded by a Mandate requesting Peter of Savoy to get the king of France to make the estimate of money he has promised the king of England quickly, so the money can be procured with all speed, from pawning the jewels the king has in those parts (5.295). The summary is given only in English.

Printed source:

Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 5 (1258-66), 295.

