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A letter from Francis of Assisi (1212-13)


Francis of Assisi


Clare of Assisi

Translated letter:

Since by divine inspiration you made yourselves daughters and handmaids of the highest, the supreme king, the heavenly father, and you promised yourselves to the holy spirit, choosing to live according to the perfection of the holy Gospel; I want and promise, for me and my brothers, to have loving care and special solicitude for you as for them. [Be well in the lord.]

Original letter:

Quia divina [Domini] inspiratione fecistis vos filias et ancillas altissimi summi regis Patris coelestis et Spiritui Santo vos desponsastis eligendo vivere secundum perfectionem sancti Evangelii; volo, et promitto per me et meos semper habere de vobis, tamquam de ipsis, curam diligentem, et sollicitudinem specialem. [Valete in Domino.]

Historical context:

The text is cited by Clare in her rule, chapter 6.3-4, which deals with poverty. She explains that after she was moved by God to follow Francis, shortly after his own conversion, when Francis saw that she and her sisters had no fear of poverty or hard work, he wrote a form of life for them. Then she cites this passage.

Printed source:

Leben und Schriften der Heiligen Klara, ed. Engelbert Grau, (Werl: Dietrich-Coelde, 1997, 1st pub.1951), 272; also in Opuscoli del Serafico Patriarca San Francesco d'Assisi, ed. un religioso cappuccino (Florence: SS Concezione, 1880), 20-22, ep. 4., with very slight differences, noted below in brackets.

