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A letter from Francis of Assisi (1226)


Francis of Assisi


Clare of Assisi

Translated letter:

I, little brother Francis, want to follow the life and the poverty of our highest lord Jesus Christ and his most holy mother and to persevere in that until the end. And I ask you, my ladies, and counsel you, that you always live in this most holy life and poverty. And guard yourselves well against receding from it ever in any way by anyone's doctrine or counsel.

Original letter:

Ego frater Franciscus parvulus volo sequi vitam et paupertatem altissimi Domini nostri Jesu Christi et ejus sanctissimae matris et perseverare in ea usque in finem; et rogo vos, dominas meas, et consilium do vobis, ut in ista sanctissima vita et paupertate semper vivatis. Et custodite vos multum, ne doctrina vel consilio alicuius ab ipsa in perpetuum nullatenus recedatis. [Valete in Domino.]

Historical context:

The text is cited by Clare in her rule, chapter 6.7-9, which deals with poverty. She cites his promise of loving care and solicitude which he fulfilled through his life. Shortly before his death, he sent what she calls his last will, exhorting them never to abandon the life of poverty. To follow his wish, she would have a long struggle with the church hierarchy, as his words seem to foretell.

Printed source:

Leben und Schriften der Heiligen Klara, ed. Engelbert Grau, (Werl: Dietrich-Coelde, 1997, 1st pub.1951), 274; also in Opuscoli del Serafico Patriarca San Francesco d'Assisi, ed. un religioso cappuccino (Florence: SS Concezione, 1880), 22, ep.5, same text except for salutation at end in brackets.
