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A letter from Gregory IX (09/17/1228)


Gregory IX


Clare of Assisi

Translated letter:

To his beloved daughters in Christ, Clare and the other handmaids of Christ gathered in the church of St. Damian of the diocese of Assisi. As is manifest, desiring to be dedicated only to the lord, you gave up a desire for temporal things; because of which, having sold everything and given it to the poor, you propose to have no possessions at all, following in all things the footsteps of him who made himself a pauper for us, the way, the truth, and the life; nor does the lack of things frighten you from such an intention. For the left hand of the heavenly groom is under your head to sustain the weaknesses of your body which you have prepared to be removed with ordered charity of mind. For finally he who feeds the birds of heaven and dresses the lilies of the field would similarly not let you lack food and clothing; until crossing over into eternity, he ministers to you himself; namely when his right hand will embrace you more happily in the fullness of his vision. As you therefore asked, we confirm your proposal of highest poverty with apostolic favor, granting you with the authority of the presents, that you can be compelled by no one to received possessions. To no one, therefore, is it permitted to violate this page of our decree, or to oppose it etc. Dated at Perugia on the 15th kalends of October in the second year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Dilectis in Christo Filiabus Clarae, ac aliis Ancillis Christi in Ecclesia S.Damiani Episcopatus Assisi congregatis salutem, & Apostolicam Benedictionem. Sicut manifestum est, cupientes soli Domino dedicari abdicastis rerum temporalium appetitum; propter quod, venditis omnibus, & pauperibus erogatis, nullas omnino possessiones habere proponitis, illius vestigiis per omnia inhaerentes, qui pro Nobis factus est pauper, via, veritas, atque vita; nec ab hujusmodi proposito vos rerum terret inopia; Nam laeva Sponsi caelestis est sub capite vestro ad sustentandum infirma corporis vestri, quae legi mentis ordinata caritate stravistis. Denique qui pascit aves Caeli, & lilia vestit agri, vobis non deerit ad victum pariter, & vestitum; donec seipsum vobis transiens in aeternitate ministret; cum scilicet ejus dextera vos felicius amplexabitur in suae plenitudine visionis. Sicut igitur supplicastis, altissimae paupertatis propositum vestrum favore Apostolico roboramus, auctoritate vobis praesentium indulgentes, ut recipere possessiones a nullo compelli possitis. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostrae concessionis infringere, vel ei ausu &c. Datum Perusii xv. Kalend. Octobris Pontificatus nostri Anno Secundo.

Historical context:

The pope grants Clare the privilege of poverty.

Printed source:

Bullarium Franciscanum Romanorum Pontificum, ed. J. H. Sbaralea, 1 (Rome: Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1759, repr. Santa Maria degli Angeli: Proziuncola, 1983), Appendix, 771, ep.346.

